xMitsix's Journal

xMitsix's Journal


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10 entries this month

10:30 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 566

I had my top 2 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. Thank God for painkillers and pre op happy pills.! Whoever the bright spark was who created them, you my friend are a GOD! The post op pain isn’t too bad, mind you I am doped up on painkillers and antibiotics so it’s not as if I could feel anything anyways. I absolutely loathed dentists, until I met Dr Lu. He has to be one of the coolest dentists in the world, makes you feel totally at ease. I know his assistant so that made the whole experience a lot better. I didn’t know I had such monster sized teeth lol. I’m kind of over eating soup and ice cream though, especially when everyone else is eating streak and I’m there with a bowl of pumpkin soup , wishing I could just have a little chew on the steaky goodness.

Anywho, while being doped up, I’m also kind of pissed. Here’s why….

I don’t understand why a certain dude, who’s one of my guy’s good friends, feels the need to try and “hook up” my guy with girls. I mean WTF!!! He knows full well that he’s with ME and he’s been with ME for 3 fricken years!!! They’ve been friends for about 2 ½ years and I thought he was cool at first, until his ugly ass tried to get this hobbit looking thing onto my guy.

That as swipe needs to worry about sorting his own non existent love life out. I he’s not trying to pimp my guy off to other bishes, he’s asking anyone who will listen, if they can give his number out to any “hot” friends they may have. The guy is an ass jack, who has a nose that looks like some pre school child created it out of play dough and threw it at his ass head.

He’s been texting my guy, saying he’s got something urgent to tell him, that he should call him so I don‘t find out. Coming from that hole of an ass, that means trouble. I’m just lucky that my guy never goes along with it (except for the hobbit thing but that bomb was defused before anything happened) and tells me everything that goes on (eveb about the hobbit)

He really needs to get a life or piss off….




wo0t w0ot

07:52 Aug 09 2009
Times Read: 572

I don’t hate the world anymore lol. Saying that I am in a state of bliss, saturated in happiness and all things that are great would be a terrible understatement. I am walking on water, clouds and anything else that’s worth putting in this sentence.

The past 24 hours have been amazing and the smile is now back on my dial hehe ;) I am in one of those disgusting happy moods and nothing could burst this bubble baby!!!

On another note, I was wondering what people get out of portraying themselves to be assholes on here? Not just assholes, but arrogant, holier than thou, know it all, my IQ is far superior than yours, I don’t care what you think of me, I’m better than you pricks.

Were you not hugged enough as a child? Or maybe it was the exact opposite, maybe you were lead to believe that the sun does actually shine out of your ass by overly indulgent parents? I don’t know what sort of perception of themselves they’re going for, but if it’s their way of trying to impress people, I don’t think it works much.

Confidence in yourself is a great thing, but there’s a fine line between a little self love and narcissism people. I’m sure if you stick your head between your legs, you will see that the sun actually doesn’t shine it’s light out of your ass :)


Life is Great!!!




Day 24....

02:43 Aug 08 2009
Times Read: 576


I'm happy now :)




Day 23....

07:28 Aug 07 2009
Times Read: 580

Friday night yay. My tooth is still kicking my ass, it’s killing me!!!! I can’t wait until Wednesday, then I can find out what’s wrong and how many of my appendages I have to sell to be able to pay the stinking bill :P

Tonight, I’m going to curl up in bed, drink some chocolate milk and watch The Wrestler. I’ve wanted to see it for a while but I’ve been to much of a scatter shell.

I hope tomorrow brings some good news, I don’t know how long I can keep going through the whole “will he be back today?” game.

Choccie milk here I come :D




Day 22 *yawn*

09:12 Aug 06 2009
Times Read: 582

My tooth was still killing me today. I made an appointment at the murder house (the dentist) and the quickest they can see me is on Wednesday! It’s bloody Thursday night right now!!! I had to buy some strong painkillers so I can actually function like a normal person. They’re doing the job, quite nicely too but damn they knock you on your ass. I’m about to fall on the floor.

Stupid tooth :)

22 days, and I’ve gone from being sad and having trust issues to discovering a whole new level of PISSED!

That is all….




Day 21....OWIE!!!!!

07:16 Aug 05 2009
Times Read: 585

Dammit!!! My stupid tooth hurts like a mofo! I hate going to the dentist, it’s seriously up there in the “things I avoid at all costs” list. Not only because you have to pay out the ying yang to go there, it’s the fact that I hate needles. Piercing and tattoo needles I don’t mind, but the things that inject you with stuff make me want to faint just thinking about it.

Friggin Aye!!! Things are just getting worse and I’m over it.

Blah, if I don’t hear anything by Saturday then I’m going to have me time. No more thinking about a situation that just makes me miserable. I think a good dose of retail therapy might just do the trick :D




Day 20...

09:06 Aug 04 2009
Times Read: 594

20 days. 20 whole days and I’m still waiting. If I was that way inclined, I would have started pulling my hair out by now. Judging by how emotionally volatile this has made me, I would be bald by now. I just want my little slice of normality back please. My happy little bubble of a world, where he and I can just be, without having to worry about the constant bullshit thanks to money, or lack of it.

I am going to go and lose myself in junk food now, just so I can convince myself that life doesn’t entirely SUCK!



14:01 Aug 04 2009

Chocolate is a cure for many things :)


Day 19....

08:41 Aug 03 2009
Times Read: 598

Just under 4 and a half hours of Monday left then welcome back Tuesday. I think I’ve become more aware of time since he’s been away. I didn’t really pay attention to what day it was before, unless it was Friday of course. Now I’m counting down the days like they’re m & m’s, and I’m some kind of coloured candy shell covered chocolate fiend. Mmmmm, m & m’s sound really good right now.

Still missing him like a mad person missing their marbles, but what’s new :P

I was browsing through the main forums and noticed something that made me sort of giggle and have an eye rolling moment at the same time.

Have you noticed how some people seem to base intelligent conversation/debates on how many “big” words are used? I mean half the stuff that’s posted seems like the poster ate a dictionary then crapped it out on the screen in the hopes of sounding like they possess a higher IQ than the next person.

I don’t know, I’m probably the only one who thinks that, oh well lol

Roll on tomorrow…




Day 18....

05:37 Aug 02 2009
Times Read: 601

I think I may have drank just a tiny wee bit too much last night/this morning. It’s like the drink stayed in my mouth and died there…ick. I envy people with hollow legs and steel heads, you guys rule!!!

I wasted a perfectly good sunny Sunday being hung over like a mo fo and now the little drums inside of my head want to pound even louder. Yay!

The next time the drink mixer asks me to sample their newest concoction, I will keeellll them!!! Lol

For the moment, I seem to have lost track of how many days left to wait. I’m sure it will all come back to me when the brewery inside of me decided to leave.




Day 17....

07:02 Aug 01 2009
Times Read: 601

I’m in serious need of something strong to drink, right now. I know I shouldn’t , but I think I need to if people want to be around me tonight. At their own risk lol.

I’m not in the best of moods tonight. I’m not grumpy or mad, just over it and I’m thinking drinking copious amounts of some fruity flavoured alcoholic beverage will make things seem less blah than they already are.

After completing some rather mundane tasks today, I just wanted to flip off the world and yell fuck you!!! Once I had puffed away on a couple of cigs I felt a bit better :P I’m just not coping as well as I thought I was. It’s easy to smile and say you’re fine, that everything is great, when people ask when all you really want to do get on a plane and bring him home :(

Anywho, I have no idea if I’m still going snowboarding tomorrow, and quite frankly, I don’t really care lol. I didn’t really want to go anyways, I only said I would so I could drive one of the cars home for a friend. Oh well, no biggie.

17 days, wow, so long and now it’s August. How lovely :)

Pina Colada anyone? I don’t measure anything so it’s bound to blow your head off lol



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