There are alot of things in this world that are annoying, irritating, downright aggravating to the point that it makes you want to scream. However there is one thing in this world that I detest above all others.
Power plays! Regardless of whether you have the ability to do so or not...does NOT mean you should do it to satisfy your own personal emotions. It is a gross misuse of the trust that has been given to you, and should not be treated so lightly. For those of you who get your rocks off from it...shame on you.
Im sure there are alot of you out there who either spurn nor celebrate this holiday, but the concept of at least being kind to humanity one day out of the year shouldnt be looked upon so lightly in my opinion.
So to those of you who celebrate it, have a great day, and for those of you that dont, I shall wish you a great day!
And to my beloved, you are in my heart, and I shall carry you with me all throughout!