winterdarkmoon's Journal

winterdarkmoon's Journal


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22 entries this month

The Chosen Legacy

05:25 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 615

The Chosen Legacy

Hence I will anoint

And whisper wholeheartedly

The creed of Hades and beyond

As I succumb to inevitable sin

For I cannot enslave myself

With imaginary words of salvation

The hypocrisy that surrounds my temple

Is assisted by pretenders to the throne

The winds that blow purity

Signify my chosen legacy

I was born to opposition

A contender to creation

In Sorte Diaboli

In Sorte Diaboli

In Sorte Diaboli

In Sorte Diaboli

For my sins

I will ask no forgiveness

For my sins

They are not to forgive

So never speak of me quietly

Stand by my confession

I voice your rebellion

Against the traitor of the world

I am the first creature of this Kingdom

I will be the One

To out live His time

With the triumph of free will




The Serpentine Offering

05:22 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 617

The Serpentine Offering

My descent is the story of everyman

I am hatred, darkness and despair

My descent is the story of everyman

I am hatred, darkness and despair

Evoked and entertained through centuries

Wrathful and sullen -- Dormant still

The ferocity pervades everywhere

Waiting to be released at last

Hear my offering

Ye bastard sons and daughters

Share my sacrifice

Share my sacrifice.

My descent is the story of everyman

I am hatred, darkness and despair

Reconcile not with the fear of the snake

But embrace it as your own

Inject its venom into your veins

And replant the seed that gives growth

Still shrouded in mystery

Until you arise above perception

A veil of ignorance is in motion

Continuing throughout generations

(A veil of ignorance is in motion

Continuing throughout multiple generations

Let me be the one that deliver you from the deceit

And back into perfect accordance with the laws of nature)

The snake is notoriously tempting

But the snake is fair

What is worse than not knowing?

To live or disappear?

The ferocity pervades everywhere

Waiting to be released at last

Hear my offering

Ye bastard sons and daughters

Share my sacrifice

Share my sacrifice




The Sacrilegious Scorn

05:17 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 618

The Sacrilegious Scorn

Have I not

Been too long in the shadows of invention and creation

As I rightfully behold the flesh

Fear of the conscious mind will have you facing away

My word and world holds ground and is real

Your word is like floods of poisoned water

A language spoken with spit from different tongues

It all seems like an eternity

This battle between us two

"Good and evil"

Me and you

Time has come to step up

And take back what you took from me

My word and world holds ground and is real

Your word is like floods of poisoned water

A language spoken with spit from different tongues

You can never corrupt me again

Time has come to step up

And take back what you took from me

You can never corrupt me again

I protect every man guilty of sin

The ultimate sin being me

The vapor from the plague

That infested my mind, body and soul

Obscured my view from wisdom

The mist that had me wonder in resentment cleared

And troubles me no more




Christian Woman

03:29 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 623

Christian Woman

Forgive her

For she knows

Not what she does....

A cross upon her bedroom wall.

From grace she will fall.

An image burning in her mind.

And between her thighs.

A dying God-man full of pain.

When will you cum again?

Before him beg to serve or please.

On your back or knees.

There's no forgiveness for her sins.

Prefers punishment?

Would you suffer eternally

Or internally?


For her lust

She'll burn in hell.

Her soul done medium well.

All through mass

manual stimulation


Corpus Christi

She needs

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi.

Corpus Christi

She needs

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi.

Body of Christ.

She needs.

Body of Christ.

Body of Christ.

She'd like to know God.

love God.

Feel her God.

Inside of her - deep inside of her.

She'd like to know God.

love God.

Feel, feel, feel

Her God,

Inside of her

Deep inside of her.

Inside of her

Deep inside of her.

Jesus Christ looks like me

Jesus Christ,

Jesus Christ looks like me

Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ looks like me

Jesus Christ,

Jesus Christ looks like me

Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ looks like me

Jesus Christ,

Jesus Christ looks like me

Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ looks like me

Jesus Christ,

Jesus Christ looks like me

Jesus Christ.




Suspended in Dusk

03:27 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 624

Suspended In Dusk

"Damn me Father, for I must sin..."

Four centuries of this damned immortality

Yet, I did not ask to be made. Why?

I will never again feel your sun upon my face

Or the comfort of a grave

I am not alive and I am not dead

This is Hell on earth

How can I possibly explain this eternal youth?

When I can do nothing, but sit by

As my loves grow old and wither

And with each of them, take a fragment of my heart

And prolong this endless winder

It is October's perpetual agony

It is the shadow realm

Father, please forgive him

For he knows not what to do

With every victim I pray for my own death

And as much as I love the night

I curse the moon's eerie glow

Tis bloodlust that drags me to forever

The toxic rays of dawn that condemn me to limbo

I am forced to dwell in grey Autumnal twilight

I am suspended in dusk

Father, please forgive him

For he knows not what to do

Father, please forgive him

For he knows not what to do




Bloody Kisses

03:21 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 626

Bloody Kisses

Not long ago but far away.

A rainy winter's day.

All her pain she kept inside.

Could no longer hide.

No cry for help.

She killed herself.

Both life and love could not be saved.

She took them both to the grave.

to the grave.

A pair of souls become undone.

Where were two now one.

Divided by this wall of death.

I soon will join you yet.

With my blood I'll find your love.

You found the strength to end your life.

As you did -- so shall I.

Oh no.

Please don't go.

Please don't go.

It's like a death

A death,

A death

In the family.

Don't die.

A crimson pool so warm & deep.

Lulls me to an endless sleep.

Your hand in mine - I will be brave.

Take me from this earth.

And end this night - this, the end of life.

From the dark I feel your lips.

And I taste your bloody kiss.

Oh no.

Please don't go.

Oh no.

Please don't go.

Please don't go

Please don't go,

Please don't

Please don't


It's like a death

A death,

A death

In the family.


It's like a death

A death,

A death

In the family.

Don't die

On me,

Don't die

On me.

Don't die

On me

Don't die





04:21 Jul 28 2009
Times Read: 640

Well seems i am blocked by same person on 2 different names and knocked me down from 41 percent to 28, ack....*shrugs* oh well...

My Bestie invited me to that IMMU chat and ack it is so hard, I am learning but..Hmmm

Things i do for Him*grins*

i loves Him so will try it least once...

other than a drunk kin folk of the babies today was good, he tried to steal my beer but i caught his dumb ass, hello bottles clink..lol..anyways I am outie



07:44 Jul 28 2009

some people really have nothing better to do with their lives.

18:14 Jul 28 2009

True but Haterz makes Us famous..lol



04:02 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 649

Just been a peaceful day til demons got home and all hell broke loose, bye to the quiet...We borrowed Transformers 2 and Drag Me to Hell and watched them, got a lil buzz so sleepy i got so didnt finish Transformers..Will watch it later or tomorrow...Hanging out in vr and posting in sandbox and rating in another window..lol...Anyways, wanted to write this down and finish up then off to bed unless the larmia gets me...lmao..Darkest Blessings All

One last word..I miss You!!!!!





04:51 Jul 25 2009
Times Read: 653

Well my day did turn out better, thank god He forgave me and all is good...*smiles* I am happy!!! He makes me happy and when He is upset or angry, i feel it..No i dont mean He takes it out on me, i just feel his anguish is all..My Bestie, I love You and will always be honest and truthful with You..my vow i will not break...You can believe that





21:55 Jul 24 2009
Times Read: 665

Why is it when narrowminded ppl talk shit and i get ignored for it..I did nothing and has stood by His side and will do so but to get treated like shit, i cant do this shit no fucking more..if u dont want me around, fucking tell me so...fuck i have feelings too and not just fucking words behind a screen...damn this shit



21:59 Jul 24 2009

People are fucked up, I hope you figure things out and find what's best for you.

22:50 Jul 24 2009

*Leaves you a hug*

23:29 Jul 24 2009

hugs to you Winter. People usually do this so that they can hide something about themselves and why they don't have anyone to help them. Once they have helped they turn their back on you. and it really sucks.


Today, another winter day(wished it was cold)

16:32 Jul 24 2009
Times Read: 671

Bleh the past 12 to 14 hours have sucked and i really hope He does forgive me..I noticed something last night and how sad it is that so called friends do stab u in the back and what is sad is same fucking friend, i let him stab me twice but no more..karma is a beautiful thing *smirks*but what i dont get is why lie? just be honest and tell it like it is and also to screw over someone who was a part of your vr family and a new one comes in the pic and screw the old ones..shame dude you know who u are...you will be in the same seat you put a couple in




Sorry by BuckCherry

04:42 Jul 24 2009
Times Read: 675

Oh I had a lot to say was thinking on my time away

I missed you and things weren`t the same

Cause everything inside it never comes out right

And when I see you cry it makes me want to die

I`m sorry I`m bad, I`m sorry I`m blue, I`m sorry about all things I said to you

And I know I can`t take it back

I love how you kiss, I love all you`re sounds, and baby the way you make my world go round

And I just wanted to say I`m sorry�

This time I think I`m to blame it`s harder to get through the days

You get older and blame turns to shame



Every single day I think about how we came all this way

The sleepless nights and the tears you cried it`s never too late to make it right

Oh yeah sorry!





Just Another Day in the life of winter

20:20 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 695

Was looking at journals and all, read some interesting ones and some pissed me off...But it is theirs to say what they wish, so who am i to complain..I well least to me the Ones I really truly care about isnt just words in a box but friends and family to me.They have become a big part of my life and I wouldnt have it any other way...I would rip their heads off and shit in their holes if they dis respect what I call MINE!!!!!Oh well guess I rambled enough so have a great day




Bless Our Troops...And To You, You know who You are

18:31 Jul 19 2009
Times Read: 714

This is how i am feeling and goes to Him, He knows who He is and Winter loves You for Eternally...Enjoy




For-ever by Papa Roach

00:58 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 720

The words are awesome and makes me think if only...I love You For-ever




This is My Fav song by Type O Negative(well one of em)

00:38 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 723




Summer Girl Banned Version

00:36 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 724





20:22 Jul 17 2009
Times Read: 729

What the fuck am i doing? Why do I open myself up to be beat down...I try to be good but that doesnt work, i try to be naughty and fiesty but fuck it...i get beat down for that too..I cannot win for losing..why do i even bother...

If i piss in your cheerios today dont worry it isnt just you...My head is killing me and frankly I DONT GIVE A FUCK..



00:40 Jul 18 2009

Perhaps it is that double-edged sword called HOPE that makes you try and try again?

04:11 Jul 24 2009



Why lie??

19:28 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 741

I find ppl I enjoy talking to and they up and leave after saying they enjoy talking to you as well? why lie? why not just tell the truth? simpler that way and feelings dont get hurt, or they think you madly in loe with them when in fact your heart and soul was crushed by a player who did u good but all the while stabbing u in the back, saying words u wanted to hear but was lies..playing you and another just cause..one was evil and other good, well the show they portrayed was supposely good ..but thats what they wanted, the good girl and the bad...fucked up..all i want is friends, loyalty, honor and respect..i give that back in return..all i ask is treat me as i treat you..simple as that



19:30 Jul 14 2009



I want to pull my hair out

17:46 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 746

Some days I want to pull my hair out and scream..I am so tired of things and doesnt know what to do..The One i like, well I know He likes me but...Then one who crushed my heart is still playing games and though he is locked up, i am gonna write a letter soon as iknow when they gonna move him and break it off..I cant handle no more..Love hurts in so many ways and yeah i am sure i bring some on myself..*sighs*Wished i could say more but hell i would et in trouble, not only by VR but my Hunny..Have a happy 4t guys..ciao for now




Another Month

03:14 Jul 02 2009
Times Read: 750

I just wanted to write a few words since it is a new month, just want to know if He truly cares or not..I mean i know He does but...Likes to be told first..*laughs*He is truly awesome and i am glad to have Him in my life in any way i can have Him..I will cherish Our times together and not complain..I made a promise to behave...Maybe He will read this and know i am His and His alone, only He owns my heart and soul..i love You my One*smiles*





03:44 Jul 01 2009
Times Read: 627

Sometimes I just need to vent, rant and just write down my thoughts..The last 24 hours has been mind blowing, yeah I had a hand in helping it..But it was time and I know as well as others involved think I am the bad one..NOT..I have reasons to feel as I do, to be promised for the second time not to leave you and help ya, but did things without teaching me anything..Alas another Coven gone but I will return and will be better than before..I am Home where I belong with Terry and AJ*smiles* I love those 2..They will help me learn what I need to know and wont need two faced asstards..And i do have a One but for now it is best not to talk much, until He says i can..Doesnt matter He knows who He is and He is my One...I have much more to say but I wont stoop to their level..NOPE...Have a nice dark night..Darkest Blessings to Those if any reads...



11:14 Jul 01 2009

I'm sure your spirit will get you through.

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