the heart wants what it wants right? wrong it wants whats fucked up it doesnt care what the body and soul have to go through to get it its a self-ish beating blood pumping suicide yeah fuck u heart go die and stop fucking up my life....
dezi(the red haired one)
love and hate they both suck right? i mean with love your always going to hurt someone and with hate you hurt everyone good going douche bags you think you avoid pain by denying love but then you hurt everyone so you go all vulnerable and crap and try to love everyone what does that get you? a broken heart and a good punch in the face so good luck with that you wanna know something some of the best relationships are the ones that are really creepy ones like girl on girl or like family ones when family hooks up and gays thats about it for love but hey you can still shut everyone out before its to late by sami the blonde one