If you know me, you know that I havent been here for quite some time. The narrow passages of the cathedrial life have starved me of the moon. Let me tell you of my happenings...
I saw a soul die today. I saw the color drain from the flesh and the gloss of the eye. Physical death is just part of life, so make no mistake that the heart continued beating, but the death of the soul is a sadness that I in my long line have never been able to come to bear. All humans experience pain and disapointment yet find hope, that is the beauty of your speciese. Too see that pass like so much turpintine on oil, a masterpiece is truely lost. I won't bore you with the details and rest assured that it was not my soul. remember I can not lose something that I do not possess. It was over love.
Love, that wonderful and terrible thing we all hold so dear. Although I think I feel it differently now. I'm not sure. Is it worth the cost? is it worth the possible end? Is it worth the death of something so wonderful as a soul.
I have seen the greatest love affairs cause war, I hve seen the rage and passion tear at the very foundations of the earth. but they were mearly lust. Lust is loud but not so powerful, It insires pride, passion and confidence. Love seems to inpire peace, generosity and understanding. When lust is lost it is a matter of a broken heart, it breaks the body by breaking the pride and the confidence, but love breaks the soul, severs the connection. Look my family with your vampire eyes at two people who are truely in love, you see the umbilicus, not one of need, but one that reaches out between the two in giving.
The death of a soul is a hard this to witness and I have seen it so few times. I had to share this with you all because if you are human and you are truely in love, let nothing severe that connection, for every day could be your last day, and every dance could be.....