Okay, These are just random thoughts I'm deciding to type
When the conspiracy stories start getting old and the stupidity of humans no longer bring a smile, what is a girl to do?
When reading lies that have been told too many times to not be considered true by thoes who keep subscribing what is this world comming too?
life seems to become one thing after another, different day, different things and it all feels like Deja Vu. How does this keep happening?
The day flys by and I can't seem to figure out where the time goes. one minute there is time to kill the next I'm looking and wondering how it got so damn dark.
when you drop to listening to others peoples drama because your life has gotten far too dull to have any of your own it's not a complaining feature. Now I know how all those know it all teenagers feel. I hand out decent advice like candy but I guess too many people listened to their parents when they were told not to take that sweet treat from strangers because no one takes it or cares but I do know the rule of life, never give advice unless it's life or death, asked for, or needed. I just keep ignoring the rule.
I keep getting blamed for things that I'm not the lone guilty party in. I'm not the only one speaking and you're certanly not innocent enough to be the wounded party.
sometimes it feels like I'm just screaming for attention but no one is looking. I feel left out a lot of the time because it's almost like I'm light years away from the fun I used to have back home.
Losing part of the group of friends I was 'friends' with isn't a big loss because most of them were fake fucks but now it's like I'm seeing the world from an adults point of view where friends are few and far between and the only social interaction are your coworkers, neighbors and spouse. not that I'm complaining. for the most part it's all great company, especally my spouse. but I wonder what I'll do when he deploys. . . I can't just sit in a house surrounded by dogs and silence. . .
what am I really typing about? I have no idea. I'm a little kid screaming for attention and when I get it I always want more, so much more. . . .look at me!
maybe I'm histronic (sp?) or some other self centered personality dissorder. I want the world to revolve around me but I think i'm old enough to know it doesn't. . . .usually. Are you actually still reading? I'm shocked. I CAN'T be that interesting. in all reality I'm just typing. my fingers are just moving and I'm sort of surprised I'm getting partly full thoughts out before my fingers start moving to type something else.
everything I seem to write keeps comming out meloncolly or emoish. . . probably going to make people start thinking i'm some big emo kid (remember kids, down the high way, not accross the street) no, I don't think i'm a whiner or emo kid, I just only have a desire to type when I'm down or out. ugh. maybe one day some way I'll type something fun and happy. It's just that whenever there is something fun and happy going on I'm so caught up in the moment and enjoying it that I don't even bother typing about it or informing everyone. huh. maybe I just need a vacation. that would be very nice. :-)
now I have nothing to do because I think I'm finished typing and as the title says, the conspiracy theroys I usually enjoy looking up on youtube are getting old and repetitive. can't someone rave about something new instead of aliens, the CIA, 9/11, JFK, the illuminati, skull & bones society, the free masons, the knights templar, or Kurt Cobane?
where are the good, creative, crazies when you need them?
So working today, what fun right?
The day is going relitivly smooth as far as a mall job goes when A girl who just bought body jewlery comes into the store with jewlery in hand, walks dirrectly to me (who is in the back of the store working on a unit for our floor move) and tells me she wants to return it.
With my store it's a pretty standard and understandable return policy that is listed at the register and on your recept.
to sum it up, it states, absolutly no returns on 'love' merchandise (Vibes, oils, anything really considered to be of sexual nature, that no one would want to touch and certanly not resale.) or Body jewlery (I figured that that would be known already because returning that shit is a bio hazard.) and no cash refunds bla bla bla.
well, I start off by telling her, as kindly as i can, that she'll have to talk to a manager BUT (to save time for all involved) i also inform her, still being polite about it, that our company has a policy of no returns on body jewlery.
This bitch starts acting like I just insulted her with my explanation and beings to to argue with me. "But I JUST bought it, I havn't even opened it yet."
I explained that there is no way we can know that for sure because the packages can be opened without any obvious signs of tampering.
She contenues to argue with me at which point I decide I'm done, I can only fake kindness for so long, I'm sorry but it's true. She was being too much of a bitch about getting simple policy explained to her, even after I informed her that it's really the managers call, I'm a Fucking associate, that stupid shit isn't my problem so I basically tell her in a very flat and annoyed tone of voice to go take it up with the manager. I'm sure I got the point accross that I was done with her stupid ass, because she walked off in a huff.
A little bit later my manager comes back and asks what I said to the girl and I explain the story exactly as if happend on my side. He just shakes his head with a smirk and said that, along with other bitching, she had said "the girl in the back could be nicer."
of course he knows me and knows that I'm not rude to someone unless they've pushed me just that far so he wasn't too concerned.
I want to know WHEN it was decided that retail employees are supposed to be nice no matter how rude you're being to them? and i'd also like to know who first deciced it because I'm SURE that they had never worked retail a damn day in their life.
There is only so much you can take of being treated like a slave, bitched at for productus you have no controll over selecting, and getting griped out for things that are out of your controll (like some kid getting their older friend to buy them a sex toy and their parents comming in pissed off and trying to return it) Sorry, I don't have kids, I'm happy not to have kids and if I wanted kids I wouldn't start by baby sitting the ones that the parents are neglectful enough to let run around the mall on their own. If they don't want their kids buying sex toys they shouldn't let their kids come into the mall on their own. maybe they should, you know, watch their own damn kids and spend time with them, instead of expecting associates at a store who could really care less to ploice their childs spending habbits, but thats a rant for another day.
I only wish I was a manager because i would love to be telling these fuckers to get the fuck out and forget their fucking refund. Too many times have I seen a manager disregard the company policy to shut up a bitchy coustomer when it would be so much easier to tell them no and get the fuck out and if they try to make a scene call security.
Oh, yeah, they may 'never shop there again.'. . . . .is that supposed to be a threat? I'd love it if they make it a promise, it would be a win for all involved, the company would stop losing money because people are too damn stupid to realize that even if you purchase on a whim doesn't mean you can get your money back if you have buyers remorse, we are not wal mart, the coustomer because they can feel high and mighty with 'boycotting' our store, and the associate because that would be one less asshole/bitch for us to deal with.
Anyway, The day went on as usual after that untill my break time.
During my break, my mind is STILL boggled by it, my manager was working, on the floor, where coustomers could find him, I was in the back room eating and enjoying my little time away from the stupid when, speak of the devil, a stupid coustomer decides to waltz her happy ass INTO our back room, which states EMPLOYES ONLY, and ask me to come ring her up.
all I could do is stare for a moment. are people really this dumb/ignorant/rude? I tell her to get out of our back room (while biting my tongue to keep back the explitives) I go back out on the floor to investigate why this person couldn't ask my manager to ring her up, where even though I'm not wearing a name tag another person tryes to stop me and make me work while I'm not being payed. ( i quickly informed him that I'm on break and he can wait for the ohter person on the floor.)
When i get to the front I find my manager beside the register where he had been this whole time. SERIOUSLY why do the dumbest people have to come to the mall. In stead of looking for someone on the floor, like she should have done in the first place, she saw me go into the back, with food and phone in hand, and decided that I was supposed to be the one to serve her, took the matter on herself, and went to retreive me from 'being a lazy retail employee'.
I no longer have any faith in humanity after working coustomer service for the five years I've done it, because in that five years I've encountered probably the rudest, dumbest, most worthless human beings to walk the earth.
FUCK PEOPLE. . . .usually I love my job I do, not all people are bad, but some times people just put me over the edge.
Who in the hell argues with someone informing them of the FACTS, much less argues with someone after being informed that it was all up to the manager, not the said person they decided to argue with? Much less gets pissy at someone after they treat that someone in a poor way, and get only a fraction of the same treatment back, and who the hell takes it upon themselfs to walk into a stores back room to bother someone that they don't know who is obviously on their break?
to think, my co-workers make fun of me for being 'fake' with coustomers. if I could show how I really feel about people we wouldn't have a coustomer left, or I wouldn't have a job. Especally if I could speak freely about just how dumb I think that they are S(something I've gotten introuble for simply hinting at before, when only the manager was the one to catch on to the fact that I was calling someone stupid)
untill then, I'm just going to bite my tongue, fake a smile, lay on the bubbly voice and hope that somewere along the line they learn just how stupid they fucking are. Maybe one of them will get a retail job of their own someday and get the same treatment done to them.
*sigh*I can dream.
So our puppy is just sick from something that she ate so she's safe to have other dogs around. They're both now offically in the house though still being kept seperate so that the pup has a chance to recover before getting thrown into it all.Thanks to anyone who read my last journal and kept her in their thoughts.
So I got My dog here today, just in time to not allow him into my house because of how sick our puppy is. She's acting like it's parvo (all the WONDERFUL symptoms) but the vet ran a test and says that it was negitive, now I realise that the testing things can sometimes give false negitives when the virus is in it's early stages but I'm trying to stay very hopeful. Oona (the sick puppy) is mine and my husbands first pet together and she is so much like our child it's rediculous. So far I've gotten about four hours (if that) of sleep tonight because I'm staying awake to make sure she keeps hydrated and watching to see how often she vomits. It's very worrysom but we're keeping her medicated and hyrdrated as much as we can.Now my other dog, he's staying with our neighbor till Oona is healthy (thank god for wondrful neighbors) And I've descovered that in the 8 months I've been away from him (he was staying with my dad till I could get him here) he has grown from a healthy weight to obese so I'm going to have to find a way to put him on a diet and excersise program. to add to the fun once oona is better we've got to try introducing them to eachother. I have high hopes that they'll get along but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed. I know they'll have to get used to eachother but I'm expecting a fight or two (they are both dominate dogs) before it happens. God. I just want this little girl back to being a pain in the ass and driving me CRAZY instead of this broken puppy. I see the old her on occasion when she has small bursts of energy but seeing it in such small doeses breaks my heart more than repairs it.God, I'm defenetly not ready for real kids any time soon. If i'm breaking down so bad for something I love but didn't give birth to I shudder to think of the day when I do have a child that gets sick. Anyone who can and is willing, keep my lil pup in your thoughts, she needs all the strength anyone can give.
Today i was deceived. I was under the impression that is was a warm nice day (it actually was, finally) then upon deciding to go to the beach and driving to the nicest one that my husband knew of, the weather had decided that it was done with the whole nice thing.
The ocean water felt like stepping into a giant glass of ice water and the air was chillie. Doesn't matter though, I still had fun and my husband tryed to throw me into the water (as long as the tide hasn't taken them away) You could probably see the marks I left digging my fingers in the sand to try to stop him (ha ha) My friend who was there got a good laugh at that and the fact that her daugher was cuddled up under a towel. such a tiney thing for her age.
Oh, steph, while my mind is on it, thanks for keeping me company last week while my hubbie cakes was on the range. friend ship and conversation is always appreciated in such matters.
Never a problem to be there for a loved one that has been there for me through thick and thin...
The weather needs to stay nice though... And get WARMER so we can go into the ocean and enjoy it instead of just look at all it's splendor.