I am a closet Britney Spears fanboy.
So it appears to me that some of my latest journal entries appeared "racist" to some people. One of those people even happened to make a journal about it and call my penis small. That's mature.
So... what is racism, really? Can anyone who called me racist really answer that? Doubt it.
For the record, no I am not racist. I hate or love everyone equally. Indian, white, black, chinese, we're all the same. Am I racist if I hate all races equally? I bet in your little minds, it is.
The better word for me would be judgmental. If every single white, black, or orange person I've seen acts about the same as the rest, yes, I will assume that the next person will act about the same way as the last. Does that make me racist?
You don't even know me. How can you call me racist?
So you aren't racist but derogatory remarks about native americans.....who does that? A racist remark is wrong no matter how you look at it.
If it was a white man talking about a black man or vice versa they would call it a hate crime...but because it's native american it's okay????
Nigga you dumb.
heh then I hope that if you meet a Maltese and isn't nice, I hope you won't hate me after that. Heh.
The white man stole your land.
He stole your food and belongings and your wife too.
He threw you out to the shit hole from which you were unfortunately born from.
The kicker? You are the white man. Just a bitchy, dirty one who is not smart enough or strong enough so you bitch and whine and trick people into thinking you are a victim.
There are no victims, you cocksucker. Just winners and losers.
Can we say RACIST ?
Racism is beyond common sense and has no place in our society. We all bleed red!
Damn damn d- *covers mouth*
Daaaaamn. Daaaaaaayum. Damn.
I try to keep up with all my friends here. It's hard when some of those friends lurk though, or don't get on as much.
Robyn. I wonder where that girl went. I know she's hiding somewhere. Great girl and friend to ME. Fuck what everyone else said about her. I don't give a shit. Seems like a good girl to me.
Gotta catch up with some people. Then again, no I don't.
Seems like the media is about 2-4 years behind me.
I always thought Obama was the devil. Cunning, smooth, charming, evil. All characteristics of Satan. Finally 3-4 years, the history channel confirms my suspicions.
I read some of your responses to my forum threads. Then I read your profile. You're ridiculous.
Trash talking? how immature lol at least the amusing part is that you foolishly trashed a deranged sociopath, my brother no less. Ever hear the trope bullying a dragon? I would not want to be in your shoes right now but I doubt you would be worth his attention.
If you can't handle negative replies in a forum, I would suggest you don't make threads in the first place. Won't have your feelings hurt then XD.
Cyber bullying is a joke. Turn your computer off, bullying over. Or block. Or don't participate in it.
Windows 8.
I hope your creators gets kicked in the balls so hard, he never speaks again.
Get a copy of Windows 7 and downgrade, but make sure if you do so to use a copy Service Pack 1 or higher if using a new PC as your drivers will not work 100% properly if you don't.
This is the route I took. The software download is to create either your own disc or to use the USB Download Tool (free for download through MS) to create a bootable flash drive. In order to even allow for a DVD or flash copy of 7 to load though, you will need to go into your BIOS settings and enable Legacy mode for boot.
Some people are very specific about the things they do and don't do. I am not one of those people. But I know the people around me that are.
~smiles~ steals ya boots!~ thats what i do ~
I don't like to give out details either.
What's up with companies asking what your favorite movie is? Or if you're good at ping-pong?
I don't give a fuck if you're an actual nazi. If you do your job perfect, I don't need anything else. I'm not looking to make buddies at my job. Damn.
LOL I see the same things, during interviews sometimes. They ask what my hobbies are. Maybe it's a way to test people too, however it's still biased. Because if for example I say I like getting online it can be an advantage to show'em i have computer skills, but it might get against me if they think i might get online instead of doing my work. They are tricky. I also heard of bosses checking people's facebook as well as asking the interviewee to get on fb on that time. Scary, no privacy at all. Also why should they judge us dependng on our hobbies? What we do in the private life doesnt have to influence our work.
Lol what'd they say if they saw us on a site like this?lol
I know...exactly
legally they can't ask you to get ojn facebook in front of them or ask for your password, because its like if they ask you to hand them your private mail letters and such and your list of funitures and family members and friends which is illegal, unless you work in a legal feild with firearms, but beside that its illegal, still they ask... why? because if you refuse it gives them an excuse to not take you without having to legally justify it, and if you do agree then they are able to know your private life and familiy etch and also to use anything they can and want to make your life hell, I know finding a job is hard, but think about it, when you got a choice between a job that will control your life and forbids you to even think or exist (salairy maybe higher) or a less impressive job that gives you the freedom of having a life outside the job with a maybe a lower salairy, I would chose the second option, which is one of the rasons I left my big job to go to a less big job but that allows me to be free and live. and freedom has no price
deathnitegrl: "When life gives you lemons, throw them back at her."
So life is "her", huh?
Yep she's a female boss, giving us orders and then telling us we did it all wrong thus throwing lemons at us :)
I'll refer to the age old quote of "Life's a bitch".... self explanatory really.
Looking at the pics of VR's "Eternal Girls" really makes me want to get back into photography hardcore again. I left it for a bit. I will be grabbing the Canon very soon again.
where are these eternal girls? I am so behind on everything :(
you're also on a writing spree :)
It's the "Eternal Girls" layout for the vampirerave main layout. Every time you go to a profile, you will see a different picture of the top pictures picked of VR girls to the left. There is also "Eternal Boys".
If you have a passion for it then you should go for it. Trust me, do it while you can, as long as you can. You never know when suddenly you might not be able to anymore. Oh and go team Canon!
Kismet: I miss how much I used to love this place...
*scratches head* what?
*reads profile* ......17. Ohhhh okay!
age or level?
heh maybe they joined at 13.
Nah just how that kismet was written I should have known they were a teenager.
heh maybe they joined at 13.
Just remember....
The hand that feeds you can also slap the taste out of your mouth.
03:21 Mar 26 2013
I'm telling.
06:16 Mar 26 2013
I am a closet Britney Spears fan girl
07:15 Mar 26 2013
really? Lol
09:32 Mar 26 2013
~well dang it~i did wonder what you had padlocked in that box whilst i rummaged through your closet for boots~ i thought LadyPayne kept secrets in hers but yours is way on another level~