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“Puncture wounds on the neck, the neck being torn open, didn’t any of that seem a little odd to you? Especially, when you’ve seen it as often as you have?”
“No, Detective, not at all. I mean, I don’t have to tell you that there are all kinds of people out there and some of them do some weird things, some bizarre things. If I spent my time trying to determine what these people did in their private lives I wouldn’t get anything else done. Why these people received those particular injuries, isn’t up to me to decide. I figured that they were caused by an unfortunate accident. Hell, I even thought about a serial killer before, but I always figured that that was what the police were for. They haven’t come in here and tried to tell me how to do my job, so I don’t try to tell them how to do theirs. Okay?”
“Yeah, don’t Cornelius.” said the drunken man as he threw an uppercut at Cornelius. It was no surprise to him, nor did it catch him off guard. To Cornelius the man appeared to move in slow motion, he effortlessly blocked the man by catching his fist in his hand. Applying a little pressure to the man’s fist, he winced from the pain.
“Maybe you didn’t hear me. I am not buying you another drink.” He continued to apply pressure and the man yelled out, Cornelius had closed his hand and crushed completely all the bones in the man’s hand. “I suggest that you get that hand looked at. Feel lucky that I have more important things to do tonight.”
If someone offered you the power to walk the earth forever, would you want it?
“Amazing!” He stared at that cell phone like a little boy who was looking at something he couldn’t have. Because he couldn’t. Even if he thought to own a pre-paid cell phone, one where he would need no contract and no billing address, he had absolutely no one to call him. Not to mention, he also had no one to call. Therefore, Cornelius had never used one. That was a humbling reminder to Cornelius that he was in this world by himself, for himself.
Gregory was there with his mate, she was a woman who had become a vampiress for Gregory so that they may be together. Rita, as careful as we are, we do not always remain unexposed. While Gregory was having issue with me, we were found out. Once the integrity of our secret is compromised, we are in grave danger and she was killed as a result of it. He was already chasing me over his personal beliefs, blaming me for her death just became another reason to hunt me. Subsequently, he and I have had a handful of confrontations over the years because of it.