the doors were black made of steal.
i opened it and had no breath left.
started to walk along the hall way and it seemed to go on for ever.
i then saw theman the man id seen yesterday on the internet. The one thats suposed to be a pervert.
the next thing i know im sat on the sofa talking to him and drinking coke. He seemed like a every day man so i went to get another drink. He folowed. I then turned around to see something very strange.
a girl had come down stairs. There were 4 of us. she was nakid and jst stairing at the man.
i walked back into the room and then heared the other girls looking for her n i sudenly got the worse feeling ever. so as they were looking for her i looked for the door.
we found it and ran out while we were on the garden i was the only one daring enough to look back. so i did
he was in a room with her. All we could hear was drilling no screaming we didnt hear one scream the whole time. All i saw was her eyes fixed onto mine not moving and so i turned and carried on runnin.
by the end of the dream i was on a road with the others phoning the palice
A few weeks ago when i was at my bfs he was in the other room n i woke up and as soon as i did felt a bad vib. I could tell something was in the room with me. I then found out it was a man about 30 odd and i senced that he wanted 2 eather harm or hurt me.
He layed beside me and then went?