Well it started when i was 12 years old. i was doing the dishes at the time i had a knife a normal kitchen knife a foot away from the edge of the counter it suddenly jumped off and the blade landed straight through the floor only a few inches from my foot i pulled the knife out and tryed to put it back through the floor i couldnt the blade just bent nd it left no mark in the floor. Then 2 things idk exactly what to call i just use term spirits to make it easier they were 2 whiteish blobs that had some human outline to them i couldnt scream or move they just came closer to me and disappeared i couldnt tell my parents hey this place is haunted lets move with money we dont have they would of just said i was crazy and seeing things so i just went to my room i thought it was over but a few nights later they came back this time i was in my bed trying to sleep all they did was keep me awake i knew it wasnt a dream when i went turned on the t.v nd watched ed edd nd eddy nd they were still there i just ignored them best i could till they went away nd i fell asleep i was scared and didnt want to be anymore so as they say "face your fears"....not exactly good advice looking back on it well anyways i meditated for the first time ever nd said something like i let the darkness into my soul nothing happened or so i thought suddenly the next day i started having visions of me hurting whoever i look at and felt urges to do so and some of the shit omg b4 i would of never thought of ever also when the change started happening when i was angry i had increased strength but i couldnt control myself took many years to get rid of the visions nd to control my actions i thankfully never hurt anybody just items like the calcultor i ripped in half when i was gettin picked on during class nd i got angry those were only symptoms i had at first then over the years i developed a strong hunger/thirst for i think blood idk never found anyone willing to let me have some nd i dont wanna start hurting people for it that'll be bad, thats just part of it i could go on for more but this should be enough for today