Last year was really hard on me I spent allot of time in and out of hospitals,doctors offices and chemotherapy clinics.I am sorry I haven't been on for over a year now but I went through hell with my health.For a few years nowc my health has been questionable at best,and my blood results kept being abnormal.But last year I broke out in open sores all over my arms legs hands and feet.These sores were red and black in color very painful and bled.That wasn't the only symptom I had though. My legs and feet were in so much muscle and joint pain I couldn't stand without crying.My hands also were in so much pain they would tremble.Eventually my dermitalogist sent me to a specialty hospital where several more things were discovered.I had water on my lungs and heart,a collapsed lung,failing eyesight,failing kidneys,and something called sweets syndrom which caused the sores on my body.
After all that I am now doing better.Still have kidney damage though,and permanent scars on my arms legs hands and feet.But at least I am no longer in the hospital.So hopefully I will be more active here.