i feel so numb right now, and i dont know if im okay with that or sad. I know that i dont want to change who i am for someone but at the same time my heart wants something and someone that it cant have. Its becuase i am who i am that we arent together.
i wish i knew what to do or to even say.
I had the best day ever. I made perfect drinks at my job and then guess what....oh but yes I dissected a sheeps heart in my class. Tell me that that is not the best day ever. Im so glad im doing medical.
so why is that when everything looks up...it all plumits down to the very bottom and when you think things cant get worse...they do? why is it that people can be idiots when they dont have to be. And why..oh why when you fall for someone do they end up breaking your heart?
Looking for answers.
sadly, life is cruel and uncareing and cold. but i rather have loved and lost, then not have loved to start with... why.... because in the end, there are memorys i cherrished from those few good days.
05:16 Nov 12 2008
you still love him alot huh?