Three Card Spell For Love
For prosperity in love, pass three new Ace of Hearts playing cards, three clothes
pins, a red pen, a red candle, and some Jupiter oil through incense smoke. Around
the heart on each card write the words: “Expand positive universal love in my life.”
Draw the sigil of Jupiter on the back of each card, and dab each card with Jupiter oil.
Pin the cards to a tree in your backyard, asking that universal love be delivered to you
by the soft winds. Don't worry if the cards disappear or blow away, they are a love
offering to the universe.
Symbol of Protection Spell
For a dose of protection, sit in the center of your home or room and breathe
deeply. Enter a meditative state and visualize yourself in the center of a glowing
pentagram. See a protective circle surrounding you and your home; then, surround
this circle with an energy box. Visualize the box charging with red energy, then
orange, yellow, blue, green, and purple. Ask your guides or deities to send you
a symbol of protection and wait for an image, feeling, or sound to come to you.
See this symbol surround and fill your energy box and protective circle. Feel a bit of this
energy fill your personal protective circle. Thank your guides or deities for their
blessings and go about your day.
1. Light altar candles
2. Light black candle, Say: "This holds me back. No more will I do it. No more is it part of me."
3. Light white candle. Say: "This is my might and my courage and my victory. This battle is already won."
4. Picture in your mind the bad habit you want to break. Picture yourself free from it. After a few minutes of imagining victory, put out the black candle, then the white candle,
5. Repeat a week later if nessary. Best done during a waning moon.
((I got this out of book so I don't know if it works...))