vampirechick94's Journal

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6 entries this month


soothing away a tension headache

19:26 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 609

Spell Keywords: Soothing away a headache, tension headache, stress headache.

Spell For Soothing A Stress Headache

Gently soothing gentle thoughts

calm and clear, from far to near

like a river to the bay

soothing water, soothing thoughts,

flow all darkness now away.

SFX 2004

NB. Repeat as a loop until you can let the spell itself fade away because it is done.

go to www.magic-spells-and-potions.com



10:58 Apr 26 2009

Hmm. Interesting. Good find. Not sure what "SFX" was, but, I'm guessing tis a a mag.


nightime sleep

19:25 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 610

Spell Keywords - Better sleep, go to sleep quicker, wake up less tired, insomnia, sleep more deeply, easier re-entry for astral travellers at night, better flow from sleep to being awake.

The time has come

to let my body rest

and gently, I drift



from the day

and into the night

starlit bright,

the colour blessed dimensions

are awaiting me.

There I will do

my work and my play

until it is time

to return to the day

Smooth and gentle

ocean wide,

in and out

in even Flow -

Now I bid myself goodnight

and with that,

turn out the light.

SFX 2004

This is for general use not for clinical insomniacs.

Try "Dreaming Towards Healing Sleep" as well as this and your usual potions and remedies.

Do a search for "sleep" to find more potions, spells, rituals and suggestions on the topic.

go to www.magic-spells-and-potions.com



11:12 Apr 26 2009

I loved the poetry. Very..Just.. Wow!



19:23 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 611

... or you could say it is a spell to banish negative emotions from inside our bodies where they do much harm. This is a very nice, simple and elegant spell to regain calm, to relax, and to banish anger, sadness or grief from your systems. The original ritual spell was sent in by a visitor codenamed "Buffy". I have amended the wording of the spell at the end so it can be used for an array of misery in a global fashion.

You will need :

fresh grass


rose petals

olive oil

white candle

cauldron (small) (an essence burner would do it with small quantities of the ingredients)

your favourite quartz crystals

1 white candle

Mix the fresh grass, lavender and rose petals in the cauldron and add a touch of olive oil.

Place the crystals around the candle, light the candle.

Heat the olive oil, rose petals, lavender & grass. mix for approx. 5 minutes.

Inhale the scent through your nose and breathe out through your mouth, with your eyes closed and focussing on "calming and relaxing in, and stress and misery out'' as you do that.

Continue for about five minutes or until you really feel the stress melting away and deep calm returning.

For the final touch, turn to the candle when you are ready and say:

"All remaining (anger/stress/fear/sadness/etc) will now go,

from the inside to the outside, make it so."

Take 11 deep breaths as before and on the 12, blow out the candle.

It is done.

go to www.magic-spells-and-potions.com




Money in my pocket

19:22 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 612

This is a fast and fun spell you can drum, clap, sing, chant, think whenever you get worried about money. Children love this one too and it is a right antidote to thinking of money as being this horrible dour black nasty thing you still can't get enough of!

Money In My Pocket

Money in my pocket

and money in my hand

money in my home

and money in my bank

Money streams towards me

and makes its home with me

its easy and its wonderful

as counting 1-2-3!

...and ...

There's money in my pocket

and money in my hand,

money in my home

and money in my bank.

Wherever I shall go

and whatever I may do

I clearly state the fact

its true and it is so!

NB: You can now loop this by repeating this verse:

Money streams towards me

and makes its home with me

its easy and its wonderful

as counting 1-2-3! .

.. and there's ...

... and starting the whole thing all over again.

Try this with some friends just for fun and drum the beat on the table, it's a great friendly fun spell that leaves a smile and a giggle in the air.

go to www.magic-spells-and-potions.com




Heart Healing spell

19:11 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 616

Heart Healing - this is one of the most important topics I know. A broken or damaged heart of energy is a very dangerous thing to our physical health, the clarity of our thinking and of course, there are the terrible emotional pains of bereavement, loss, suffering, depression. The following spell has been tried and tested by tens of thousands of people all over the world, men and women alike, and it WORKS. Comes with a free mp3 download.

The Heart Healing Spell

The heart of energy is the nuclear generator of the human energy system, and all health, mental well being, emotional well being depends on it absolutely.

Not only does a well functioning heart of energy help to make us strong, joyful and extremely powerful in our thoughts, actions AND our magic, it is also the ultimate MAGIC PROTECTION device against all evil doers and ill wishers. The heart of energy works like the sun - if it is burning brightly and strong, it simply burns up everything that comes close and uses it for fuel. Like our own sun, it thereby protects the entire "solar system" of our energy bodies from harm, as well as generating the energy we need for being strong, happy and proactive in life.

Both being extremely radiant and "attractive" to others, as well as being powerful, safe and strong and having a solid center of self, high self esteem and good results in your plans and activities, the heart of energy is the very best place to start a real regeneration of life - in a very real and practical sense.

The good news is that even when we are feeling weak and vulnerable because our heart was broken, or damaged in the past, even repeatedly, we can do something about this.

We all have healing hands of energy (not just the flesh hands you can see!) and we can SELF HEAL a broken or damaged heart of energy.

Especially when energy and power are in short supply, what little energy we have can be channelled DIRECTLY to our own heart of energy and there it does the most good, because the heart of energy fuels just about everything else. This generates more life force, which in turn can be used to further restore, heal and nourish the heart of energy.

This sets up a virtuous circle, because once the heart starts working again, we immediately feel a lot better and we are better able to process then all other incoming nourishing energies - from people, from the land, from animals, from minerals, from everywhere, in fact. Then our energy systems start flowing properly, and we are able to generate and use a lot more energy for our lives and loves.

Doing this simple Heart Healing spell three times a day (just like you would take a prescription pill), morning, noon and night for 9 (3x3) days WILL significantly improve your energy flow and your health and happiness if you are suffering; I also recommend to use this spell at any time you experience a real "heart ache", because that is your sign that your heart of energy needs attention, and to make sure it gets the energy it needs to stay healthy.

The following spell is also available as a free MP3 download from http://dragonrising.com/downloads/ - Heart Healing.

Place both your healing hands flat on the center of your chest, take a deep breath and speak the following words:

The Heart Healing Spell

I place my own healing hands

on my own dear heart

with the gentleness

and with exquisite care;

the care I would afford

a tiny frozen bird

I found here on my doorstep.

Here, with my gentle healing hands

my touch brings warmth and life;

to right what once went wrong;

to heal what once was broken.

Fear not, my love.

I will do all I can do for you.

For sure, I am no angel

but what I have to give,

I give to you.

go to www.magic-spells-and-potions.com




Protection Spell against a person who wishes to harm you

19:08 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 617

Protection Spell Against Negative Influences, Spell To Counter Attacks, Spell To Neutralise Someone Who Wishes You Harm, Encapsulation Spell

If there is someone always on your case who wishes you ill, this is a powerful energy magic spell to disable the attacks without resorting to any negativity yourself.

I'm an energy magician so I don't use a lot of the paraphanalia of traditional witchcraft.

However, you can if you want to, surround this spell with any amount of bells and whistles you feel you need to strengthen it further. This might include casting a circle, calling in archangels or guides to assist you, considering what day or time of day might be the best for you and many other things besides.

I used this spell this morning and find it very helpful for disabling a negative person in my environment.

When I do this spell, I raise energy first through myself, and visualise the negative person being enfolded in a bubble of clear, mirror smooth energy to keep their negativity inside.

This is an interesting manouvre because it has a dual action - this bubble in which they become encased contains their energy emissions absolutely and doesn't make any distinction between good or bad emissions. So should they think loving thoughts, they will be healed just the same as they will be getting painful repercussions from thinking or broadcasting ill thoughts.

Here is the core spell:

All acts of negativity

will now return threefold to thee.

All bad you try to send my way

upon your own self will hold sway.

All actions, thoughts and words of hate

become your own decided fate.

By all up high, the worlds and wise

by oceans wide and deep blue skies

by day and night, and powers three

this is my will, so mote it be!

*NB: The more power you can raise before you cast this spell, the longer lasting and more profound the spell becomes.

go to www.magic-spells-and-potions.com



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