The sadness had yet to overwhelm her; even the terrible news, that was just given, had yet to sink in as she sat at the kitchen table.
She reached her frail hand out to stroke the iridescent tears away from her ghost white face. Shock was in her eyes as the news she had just been told lingered in her ears. The loss of her dear beloved sister Mia to a man-eating car had yet to settle in her mind.
Her hands were gently placed in front of her face as if to block the heart stopping news away. She was reluctant to face the fact that her sister was really gone. She started to finish dinner, whick she had already started just moments ago to get her mind off the news that was at hand.
Later that ngiht she kept repeating stay strong, you just got to stay strong! The silence the night brought crept closer and closer to her stone cold body. The shock that happened earlier came back with a powerful strike. That sadness and hearache were more that just streams of tears running down her grieving face.
The sadness finally consumed her as she laid awake in the motionless night.