I went to a funeral yesterday. I try to do that every 6 months or so. I need to see the healing sometimes. as you watch a family in the throes of powerful emotions, anger, fear, denial, it's hard to remember that they will get past all of it, and that the harmony in the universe will bring them back to the relationships they enjoyed before, slightly more mature than before.
Even when a person is not actively dying you can usually tell. My little lady tonight was the sweetest patient we have had in a while. She was 97. She greeted me pleasantly, I checked her vitals and listened in all the appropriate places, and heard all the appropriate sounds. I asked if she was in pain, and she just shook her head no. We chatted for a while and suddenly she looked at me. Her eyes were wide.
"What is he doing there?" she asked.
"Who do you see" I returned.
"My husband" she said.
"I'm not sure why he's here mam, but if he holds out his arms, you take them right away." I told her. If you think I did the wrong thing, rate me a 1.
it is not a matter of choice, one can not leave before their time, no matter their desire...
Wow, this is very powerful. I got a jolt just reading it. You of course did the right thing, as far as I'm concerned. I probably would have ran. Coward, me.
Death is everywhere this week. A stomache virus is traveling freely through my area and elderly people are dropping left and right. When a person is already dying and they meet a creature that is only a billionth the size of themselves, the balance shifts so quickly that it's over in a matter of days. Once upon a time we were afraid of tigers, lions, and bears. These days we can't even see what we are afraid of. Does that make it easier or worse? Antibiotics are our new spears, and medicine is our new awareness. Everyone who reads this please remember, there are a million doctors out there. Do some research before picking one.
The family I spent the day with to day was incredible So, I am going to think about them now. It doesn't seem to matter what exact relationship you have with a person, what matters is that you call them family. Family supports you. They talk you through good times and bad times. They accept the person you are, and try to help you to accept the person you will become. They understand what your feeling, and always try to make the feeling better. They share their lives and emotions and love with you. That's what every family should be.
This is most pleasant that such values are looked after in the present generation. I love to treat being family and other person as family of its own.
Harmony comes with the word family. Me and my family is ready to give strength or harmony or treatment and hospitability to any individual who seek from us.
Her startling blue eyes were bright with tears.
"Why haven't my parents come for me?" she asked, "Don't they love me any more?"
I sat on the bed next to her, and hugged her close, I could feel every bone in her body. Her paper thin skin reminds me of how fragile she is, "Don't worry" I tell her "They'll be here soon to pick you up."
I did my best for her, but it wasn't enough. I controlled the pain for 4 days, but there was nothing I could do for her in those last moments but hold her hand and tell her that I was there, try to give her the image of the white light, and her parents holding out there arms to her.
I hope she can forgive me for being inadequate in the end.
She is greatful to your care and being with her as guardian angel to give the strength to live and hope for the life run and walk again.
I love this story cu article. lovely one.
I said it when I first started working hospice.
"I think I'm getting adicted to my job."
And now, a year later, I think I really am. Everything that happens at work is real, The rest of my days feel like a shadow passing, nothing touches me, nothing worries me. When someone is dying in my arms I feel. I think I'm fading away. what is wrong with me?
My beautiful son, I fail you constantly. I'm not fast enough, smart enough, or strong enough to show you what you need in this world. Basic table manners are all I can offer.
David is little angel. Just love him you did not fail. Love him, be his friend, put him to nice kindergarten and education. start perenting him and educating him. take him to gardens and zoo.
Play with him as his true friend.
I love David. You are his brave Moma fighting with toughness of the world. you are strongest most.
Give him god vocabs and good language, good behavior and sporting compititiveness. These are the basics of nourishments with good fooding. he will flourish like a Little Prince, he is.
You are giving everything to him. You are best Mom.
I was doing my job. He has not moved or spoken for two days. His breathing has evened out. His poor daughter has been at his bedside for more than 2 days without hardly eating, sleeping, or even stopping to shower. When I arrived he was gasping, 15 huge intakes of breath,within 15 seconds easily...then holding it for a full minute, god only knew how long that had been going on. I did my job. He has relaxed. She looks at me and asks the question I always dread...
"Is it safe for me to go?" I feel the waves of anxiety rolling off of her.
"I cannot tell you when he is going to pass mam" I answer.
"I just want to get a shower" she replies.
"Well," I say thinking out loud... "He is finally calm, I would expect for his vital signs to be much lower if he were going to die within the next few hours, but I don't know what it is he is waiting for."
The daughter looks at her father. She is physically and emotionally exhausted, I can feel her indicision. She makes up her mind.
"I'll be right back" she states
The daughter leans over and kisses her father on the cheek.
"See you tomorrow Dad." she whispers.
"I will be calling you immediately if anything changes" I tell her.
The daughter exits the room.
Thirty seconds after she walks out, I notice a breathing change. I watch for a minute to make sure I'm really seeing what I think I am. The feeling in the air is unmistakeable. I rush out of the room trying to reach her before she gets out of the building, but I am too late. She has driven off. I race back to the room trying to find the cell number she left me.
I glance at my fellow man, dying next to me, and stop in shock, His entire right arm is trembling violently.
'I didn't read anything about seizure activity in his chart' is the first thought I have.
His entire arm raises into the air, palm towards the door, his fingers flex three times.
He lowers his arm, and dies.
It is more cruel to always fear death than to die.
You did the good job. everything absorbed. your words given awareness to her and a strength. he was there till she was with him. he was her guardian worried for her.
you did good job yet got pain a lot.
the sacred most work.
dying is not as easy as it looks. the longer we hold onto our bodies, the longer our souls resist. what are the requirements we have to meet to die? that seems to be the no. 1 question a family asks me. the answer is always the same, what was important to them.
dying in satisfaction is surrendering our vital force to the nature back. and if we wish to live more... death is most painful or shocking if sudden.
my granma smiled and loved me a lot in her eyes and surrendered breathe. she was on death strature for more than 15 days and crossed the line of pain and reached to no-pain a week ago of the death.