I wish...
That I wasnt so busy
I could get out of here
he'd talk to me
I knew what I did
I had a better friend
I was able to give up
I didnt have these doubts
I could abandon my hope
I could control my dreams
I couldnt feel so much
I wasnt blamed
You'd be a man
I could see you now
You'd wake up
you'd realize im not a threat
I had a chance
you werent hurt so much
your sister would shut her mouth
I could forget you
I could move on
I wasnt so stupid
I knew this would happen
I could see the future
I could sleep atnight
I didnt hurt still
I didnt have to lie
you didnt give up
you werent such a baby
you werent too strong
youd listen to me
I could forget you
youd realize you were wrong
we could set a truce
we didnt have to fight
I didnt think about you all the time
I didnt care so much
you didnt forget me
you didnt take your anger out on me
that i could get mad at you
I've got to have better self control.
It is like my tears have a mind of their own.
But I never had control.
I was always the bitch.
The one that everyone else took from-
but no one ever gave.
Never cared.
I'm on my own now.
I've got to stop crying.
I have to stop feeling sorry for myself.
It is his loss, not mine.
I'm fine.
I'm okay.
I can do this.
I don't need anyone else.
I lie alot.
But one thing that can't lie are my tears.
They reveal me.
Ashame me.
I can never win.
I can't take it anymore.
So many voices weigh me down as I crawl into my ball of safety.
I shut my eyes tight.
I clamp my hands over my ears.
And I shake.
When will this end?
I can't do it.
I'm not okay.
I'm broken and injured.
Yet so many expect so much.
But I have no more to give.
I am so tired.
I am washed up.
I am stripped of every piece of energy I had left.
What do I do now?
What Can I do?
so many voices.
Every one, demanding something different.
I'm hurt.
I'm confused.
I'm only one person!
This isn't right.
I'm not taking this anymore.
I'm free.