Alright, so yesterday I went to horseback just like every other Monday, but right when I stepped out of the car, I could... sense something different.
Well, I went over to the chalk board to check which horse my instructor, Jen would have me ride this week. It was Cello! He is a cute brown horse i've ridden a couple times before. (He's about six years old, and used to be a race horse!) Jen came into the lesson barn then and told me she wanted to turn him out first because he hadn't been out in like, four days! (Think about how much energy you would have if you werent allowed to leave your bedroom for that long)
Well, Jen and I took Cello out into the corral next to the barn and let him run for a while.
Oh. My. God!
It was incredible! He started running in full gallop, leaping, prancing, and bucking like a wild stallion! It was so beautiful! It was like his adrennalin was contageous! This was the first time I realized it. When a horse was trained, it was like teaching a kid manners. They had to be good for company, but the wild soul isn't replaced. Just added to! And now, it was let free!
The expierence was like watching a wild fire rip through the forest. Not only was the horse running and such. He was running with power! Mud and dirt fanned out beside him, making room for his feet.
I was about to jump in there with him (yes, I would have probably been killed)
It was... indescribeable.