I expierenced this myself and had to write about it. half of these words I dont control.
He comes up behind my body and whispers in my ear. The very words I wish I would never have to hear from him. "I love you"
Shock takes over. My eyes grow huge with understanding of what I have become. A monster. A slut. A cheater.
I run from him. I run and dont stop until I hit the woods. It is raining now. I dont care. I throw myself to the ground and sob. I am ashamed with myself. You were always so good to me. Always there for me in pure spirit. I betrayed you. You were suffering for so long, but I couldnt figure out why. The pain in your ocean blue eyes was like you were being striked with a long, cold whip. I realize now I was the one holding it all along. I deserve far worse than this. You are my god. The only thing I am still living for. My spirit and my sanity. Just because I couldn't see you for so long made me want to belong somewhere when all along I really did belong with you. I am pathetic. I am desperate. You have done so much for me and I let you down. I'm sorry.
Opening night of our school musical, and I didnt mess up my lines! the entire cast and crew went out after and one of my guy friends ate twelve scoops of ice cream by himself! LOL! I got pics!
He almost threw up after, but it was an amazing time! Also, TWILIGHT WAS FINALLY RELEASED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do I feel like this if I already have you forever? Because I cant see you yet. Im just a selfish jerk. I cant help it. I need you so bad. I really will do anything, even if it is just to meet you. I need to see you. I feel like such an idiot. I know that we will meet eventually, but I literally cant wait. I am dieing without you. I feel so alone. I cry myself to sleep, where on my occassions, we are finally together for a second. Only in my dreams. I desperately need more. Tell me what I need to do.
March 3rd. 2009
Three years ago today, is the day I would have died if not for my father. It started at dinner, when my mother made me laugh, and I started choking on a piece of macaroni. It got to the point where I couldn't breathe, when my dad wooshed up, pulled me out of my chair, and gave me the heimlic. The macaroni flew through the air, and smacked my brother in the face- yeah, he kind of deserved it.
My father recieved a framed certificate and metal for saving my life at a Red Cross ceremony. I accepted it with him.
That was a interesting story. I hate to choke on a piece of macaroni. That would piss me off b/c I love the stuff.
thank the gods for your father then.
16:21 Aug 26 2010
it makes me wonder at the meaning. lots of subliminal stuff here. message me about it sometime.