We will win.
we will have our revenge against those that threatened our love.
Never again will we be forced to be apart.
We are stronger and brighter than them.
We will have the last dance.
Our enemies are the ones that should be afraid.
So long we have waited for this moment.
You brought my life back.
I am only myself when I am with you.
And now that we have found each other in this life, nothing can stop us.
No more will we be longing for each other's embrace, because we will have it.
We know what we are doing.
It is almost wrong, but feels so right.
I would not give it up for the world.
Please. don't say that. Never push me away. Don't turn your back on me. Do not get too boring. don't make me cry.
Don't leave me.
Please. Say what you mean. Always pull me closer. Come from behind me and wrap those arms around me. Make me laugh. Kiss my tears away.
Don't leave me.
What is freedom?
Is it the same for everyone?
Will it always happen for everyone?
It couldn't. Freedom is granted to those who earn it.
Who protect it.
Freedom deserves the strongest of protectors, for some are foolish enough to tempt with it.
To take advantage of it.
To gain freedom means to gain responsibility. You have to be ready for the good, and the evil.
But that is life.
If you play your cards right, you will recieve the gift of freedom.
But you will also recieve the curse that is tangled in with it.
I'm free.
To me freedom is choice.
freedom is choice...but also the ability to make a choice that harms no one else, without some govt official pointing a gun at you and taking you away.
nazis didnt have freedom...
the ussr didnt have freedom
and those that say we dont...i havent met a person that said that who lived thru a truly repressive society.
Torn apart by death, we were separated. With everything working against us. All hope was lost. Gone.
Well, almost.
Secretly, we never gave up. We never stopped hoping.
And we broke through. We came out the other side of Hell, ready to love each other again. To be together. We have reunited. And now, we will never let go.
Soon. We will be truely together. In person. To live and let love. Part of the same family. Of the whole.
As one.
*Few, simple words for a friend.
Yes, you are my dear friend. But you are so much more than that, too.
You have given me a reason to be here. Have shown me just how comforting the darkness really is. You have taught me, and have cared for me when I needed you.
You never gave up, and I know you never will. How can I even express what you have done for me?
You actually cared, when no one else did.
I love you.
*Sorry this one isnt too good... I am making it up on the spot, just for a little common feelings being laid out.*
It is funny. I have been through so much. And these scars hold so many memories.
When I have fallen on that hill so many years ago, going down on a scooter.
From that pavement roof that was just a little low.
From my brother's bike when I snuck out of the house one night while my parents were out of town, to meet up with my ex- boyfriend.
That yellow pole in the middle of the sidewalk that I just didnt see in time, and then fainted while crossing the road.
That heartbreak when I realized that I would never see my first crush again.
That awful Christmas eve when my father struck me. Then the next time.
That night with the phone call in the middle of the night that the only one who I trusted at the time had just died.
The realization that I would have to waite so long to see my love.
The thing is that, scars never heal. You will never forget them, but you dont want to. They are memories. And even if the expierence is negative, you get to look back and say- "I was strong enough to make it through that. What else can I do?"
Well said
how much pain do you deal with? no matter the drama or hurt i am always here. ^^
Thanks, guys.
Yes, I do go through a great deal of hurt. Some physical, and even more emotional.
But I am made stronger each time I walk away. You never do forget, but you dont necessairly want to... they are memories.
and talking does always help.
Inspired by: Father Wolf
You howl to me.
Call to me as yours.
I try to call back, but, the wind. It refuses to carry my voice to you. I have learned the name of this harsh breeze is called "reality."
Reality won't let us be together, Not yet.
We must waite- waite for reality to change direction. Three years of frontline battle to look forward to, A battle to change the direction of the winds. To push and pull. Not manipulate, but to learn hoe to move with the breeze.
To never give up in the heat of battle. My voice will carry over to you, my Love. If reality refuses yet again, then i'll force it to you myself. I am strong enough.
The wind of reality won't stop me.
They have cut through my tender flesh.
fifteen years is a long time to be bound, but I never did complain.
I accepted this as my life. This torture. This pain. These cuffs have kept me from so much. Freedom. Expierencing. From life.
When others would try to see, I would turn away so that no one could see what was bound behind my back.
What was the truth.
The cuffs that have imprisoned me have grown rusty and old.
What's this?
They are falling apart! I- I can feel it happening behind me.
Finally, I am able to see my own two hands. What should have been in front of me.
Around my wrists are the burning scars that not even time can heal.
I will never forget what being bound feels like, but I am strong enough to make the burning go away.
you are free now. be happy and rejoice. as i will rejoice with you. hugs eternally
19:30 Jun 28 2009
i love this peom. it is almost tragic. your heart speaking through your fingers. a true cry for retribution of the heart and leberation of loves purest desire.
20:49 Jun 28 2009
well said