The most epic night ever!!
We camped out in a tent in my friend's backyard. The guys were camping out right in the next yard, so of course they came over!
We went teepeeing and when we were finished, we rang the door bell at, say, three in the morning...!
We ran up the road, but didnt want to go back quite yet.
The guys were already back at our tent, so we stripped and went skinny dipping through the neighborhood- haha!!!
Well, they called my friend and told us that the one guy left his phone in the yard that was absolutely covered in toilet paper.
We went back, but the man was actually picking it up now!
We staked out the house, but he was taking forever.
So, we went back to the tents and he had to go back down in the morning to ask for it!!
That was insane
Well, I have had a pretty continous headache for such a time now. This is more severe than what I am used to. and, well, I dont like to eat that much.
It is not that I am self- concious at all. I just dont eat. And now, my friends are worried I may be headed towards possible anorexia. But I havent seen a significant change in my body. they are still worried, but I am just confused!! Is it my fault that I dont eat too much?! :/
i went through a similar thing hun, i wasnt eating very much and my parents and friends were saying i was bordering on anorexia....but i didnt see no change either! as long as you eat enough a day you will be fine, i hope you get this sorted hun :)
You guys are so sweet.
Thank you for the care and concern!
and I will definitely look into that online thing
well you will eat when you are hungry. maybe you could take a multi vitamin. that would help. sometimes i get a headache if my sugar level has dropped. try eating a banana, or candy bar, drink a soda. it might help.
hang in there
Well, with a headache the size of Texas, im too tired to function properly now. at least all the finals are over...
but I just wish I didnt feel so exhausted! thats what I get for staying up half the night with my best friend, helping with heartache. Shes o.k. now, but I swear it. If I EVER get my hands on that little sleeze bag that cheated on her, HE will have this godforsaken headache!!
I need sleep...
aw, is is gothic?
good luck getting sleep. you are a great friend and i am sure she appreciates you. i know i do! hugs
thanks, hun.
no, not Gothic- thank the heavens!!
well, my summer has begun! and that means PLENTY of work for me in return. And, being the lead art teacher's daughter Definitely pays off!! I have known the ceramics teacher ever since I was little. When I told him I was dropping spanish to take all three of his topics- (Ceramics, ceramics II, and sculpture) he offered to let me borrow one of the school's throwing wheels for the entire Summer! I really cant waite.
Then there is my novel. Yes, it is a semi- fictional vampiryc novel. I will be writing, re- writing, editing, and hopefully I will get it published!
And I am off on July 18th. for a two- week vacation. I will be horseback riding, playing at amuesnment parks, sailing, and visiting friends.
Also, I will be doing stage crew for Little shop of horrors. I get to be the huge plant!! haha~
Well, tonight I told my dad that I know he doesnt love me. I completely stood up to him, and even showed my true age by using terms i'm sure he has never even heard come from me before.
Then, I told him how I know that he doesn't like me sometimes.
We hugged.
I came up to my room, locked the door, and laid on the floor crying.
what a perfect last day of school.
aw, i am here for you. at least you told him your feelings and there was a hug. that is a start. ^^ i hope it works out. hugs
Well, I finally started one!!
Only two pics right now, but feel free to view/ rate!
20:47 Jun 28 2009
that is hilarious..... and embarrassing. lol did he give it back?
i am glad you had fun