She thought it would last.
That it would be a happy ending, and they could sort everything out.
The others were their friends, and he loved her unconditionally.
She returned his love fiercely.
As a child, she was foolish enough to fall for their tricks.
She'd seen it all before him.
Even before the others.
She saw the signs as she grew older, but learned to ignore his flaws.
She was too ignorant, and for that, he took his own life.
She never knew that the people they both trusted would cause this.
to trick him like this.
That they would put on such an act as to make it seem as if he was improving.
he loved her.
made her spirit lift and soar, before tearing it down.
She knew it wasnt his fault, or the others.
it was hers.
She should have tried harder.
done it differently.
So she could never bring herself to loathe the people that turned against her and her lover.
They brainwashed him, but the blood rests in her shaking palms.
Heart break overwhelms her now.
She was never strong enough to handle this.
Without him, she is alone to face the fire.
She feels as if he was the other half of her heart.
Now, without his protection, the world attacks full on.
Every day becomes more and more of a blur as she desperately tries to heal.
Weaker and weaker, she grows.
Suddenly, something stiff and cold meets her back.
It is the hard floor.
Shaking, she can't control it when her eyes close.
The shaking won't stop.
Did it finally happen?
Has she truely lost her mind?
A light comes into view.
They tell her what is happening and exactly how to get it all done.
Their way is the only way.
No tolerance, and no other acceptance.
She is confused on land, even though it is all she's ever known.
These people, though normal, convinced her that this is where she was meant to be.
Living everywhere, then what felt like nowhere.
Until it felt as if life was too chaotic and heading towards the black hole.
All was being held together by the wrong threads.
Little made sense, but no one had a right to complain.
Not when they had all they seemed to need.
Everything organized and laid out.
Orderly and uptight.
as strange as it felt, she is forced to fit in.
Then, by accident, she stumbles into the river.
it is refreshing and feels natural.
Instantly, she knows that she belongs here.
She grows from the river.
Feeding off of the purity.
breathing in the soft current.
Others greet her, and she remembers them from her past.
These threads are so right, it is close to overwhelming.
These people are unlike the others on land.
They know the ancient way of the gods.
How to fit everything together, including her.
She is one of them.
She knows her place.
She stands and dances across the waves, embracing her old life.
She is needed, and safe.
She has the job that was called forward for her.
The position that no one else could fill.
She embraces from instinct of what was once just a faded dream.
It comes now- hot and strong.
She is home.
it sounds like several people i actually know...
this really strikes a chord.
being kept away from your destiny. but when you finally get the prize, everything else melts away and you lose yourself in the sheer pleasure. leaving everything else behind. for you. for pleasure. for destiny
Why am I crying right now?
I have you, and you'd think that would be enough.
Could it be because we can not be together in this life- physically- yet?
But so many have it so much worse off than I do.
So i'm tired. big deal.
There are people trying to just get by every day.
So I have to waite to be with my love.
The economic crisis is what is happening now.
So, as I sit here, I begin to wonder why I am wasting the energy crying over something that will not speed up.
But I dont want them to stop.
It is the first time in a long time that I finally get to let it all out.
Yes, it is wrong to cry over this.
But it feels so right.
Light does not always mean good, just as dark does not always equal evil
From hurting comes strength
I love you
Everything is a challenge. When everyone finally figures this out, that's when it is busy enough to sit in the corner, eating oreo's.
But then you will get too lazy to even try.
Better to ask forgiveness than permission
Your soul makes me remember the reason for living.
My heart flew to you. Please don't break it.
If things were easy, i'd be too bored to try.
Yeah, I am weird. What's it to you?
For every girl with a broken heart, there's a guy with a glue gun.
Cry me a river. Build me a bridge. Get over it. Of course i'll fetch the wood.
Not all of these are ones that I made up on my own.
Everything moving so fast, it all comes to a blur. Trying to keep up, I become weak.No.The mask becomes weak, and begins to fade. If it disappears, I am left here. Vulnerable.You are the one I let pass.I know that I am safe here.You keep me insane.I am depressed when pulled away from our haven.So many will never understand the love we share.Good.If this was granted to everyone, we would no longer stand out.They dont matter.All that matters is that we are together.I know that that isnt possible yet, but I need it so bad.We will be together not soon enough, and I will be waiting.For your kiss.Your touch.Your...Yet I feel lucky. Like my gift is you, even just to have you.~Not really a poem, but I hope that You like it.The "you" knows who they are~
01:18 Jul 12 2009
i hope this isnt about you.
but i am still here. if you need me. just say the word.,my best friend
16:25 Jul 12 2009
No, is completely fictional, but thank you for being such a good friend to me
06:20 Jul 13 2009
your writing is so real, it actually left me with a knot in my stomach thinking that your world had fallen apart! lol
again, well done, good writing.