Why does everybody expect me to be a cute little good girl? I like the way I am, and you'd think that'd be enough! I'm expected to have perfect grades, perfect hair, teeth, make- up, and everything else! If I get below an eighty, my parents won't even hug me. Sad, but it's made me stong.
Seriously, can I have one conversation with my "dad" withouthim yelling at me?! I seriously thought he was going to crawl across THE DINNER TABLE and slap me across the face, AGAIN!! He did it twice before.
So, my sister brought up the fact that her woodshop class was going to sart using the power saws tomorrow, and my dad, being a safety engineer or Dupont, started talking to her about tieing her hair back, and she just kept saying over and over, "he already told us the safety rules, and he know what we need to do to be safe". It should have stopped there, but if you knew my "dad" you'd know that that wasn't possible. He eventually brought up that he would take it to the school board if he had to, and that's when I stepped in. I just said "I don't think you need to go THAT far! You don't know what the safety rules are and what safey cautions they take!"
He screamed back at me "Shut up! You've taken it too far! Do you want this to end like last time?!" That's when I ra upstairs and wrote this.
Why do people care so much about age?! 'tis stupid when you get blocked for the age of your body, and not your mind. Espicially when before you told them, you actually started to trust them. Only now do I know who my real friends are.
My sister decided to make chocolate chip cookies today, and, well, things definitely heated up!! They were supposed to go in the oven for twelve minutes, and she forgot about them! They stayed in for a half hour! She's hopeless!!! Some were able to be saved, but you need alot of milk with them! LOL!
Most people either love Valentines Day... Or hate it. I can't decide! I delete all the stupid forwards I get, but then can't stop feeling all perky!! GOD! I keep having these stupid mood swings today! It's... annoying, I guess! I think i'm developing Bipolar syndrome, as well as OCD, AND ADD!
i know the feeling..........personally valentines day is overated lol! ugh.....i hate it haha!
We are all different, different thoghts, opinions. Yet,we are also all the same in a way. We all have our beliefs, and a life. We all contribute, and we are all loved or have been. We each have our own ways f showing hurt, but we all show it somehow. We all are able to live life to the fullest, yet so few choose to.
Yes, I do agree with you in what you stated of course. We share the same passion for life and ourselfs and others like us. We carry with us two sides one the world see`s and the other we keep hidden in the darkness and let it out when night falls upon the earth. we eat drink see and feel and taste things the same way but, speak in many different langauges and have different skin color but we all are the same deep within our soul or spirit.
It's funny how much a song can impact your mood and start to make you think! We all have our faveorites, comparing on how we like to feel most of the time. I'm sitting here, in this completely done- up frilly pink room of my sister's, (my comp is being gay and won't let me access internet), listening to my favorites, and having a different mood to every song that comes next on the CD. It's incredible that a song can manipulate a person like that!
So, yesterday morning, I was walking to the bus stop, and I slipped and fell on a patch of black ice on my friend's driveway! I escaped with nothing more than cutting up my elbow pretty bad. So, after that everything went by pretty normal. The next day, I did the exact same thing, but this time, I slammed my knee, and it was in front of the school! My friends bitched out the retards who were laughing at me, but my knee decided to be gay and bother me for the rest of the day! So, 2nd. period rolls around and we have swimming. Oh, joy! They made us do flip turns in the shallow end, and i'm so tall, I managed to hit my head on the wall and the floor of the pool! I'm okay, but of course it doesn't stop there! 3rd. period, I have science. YUCK! I forgot some paper, and instead of just sharing with my lab partner makes me go grab it from my locker on the other side of the school. Of course, it wasn't there. Then, after lunch, Courtney tells me that she got the Twilight movie early! I found out later she just wanted to see what i'd do, but I can't blame her. I'd do the same thing to her, cuz that's just the way we are with each- other! Well, she got her answer. I got over- excited and hit my hand on the corner of a locker! So, i'm pretty much a mess right now, but looking back on all of the suff that happened, i'm sitting here laughing!
These are some of my deepest words. I think them out when my life is at a suckish point.
Power, Imseperable, kiss, pure, balcony, meadow, full moon, stars, touch, feel, cool, fresh grass, water, soft, lips, silk, connection, dark, unique, fly, heart, soul, spirit, air, fire, ice, reveal, eyes, stones, rain, woods, you, me, us, blood, love, peace, harmony, breathe, perfect, protect.
If you are reading this, please don't ask me what I mean by any of my words. If you think enough about it and if you get to know me well enough, I bet you can figure it out. If not, well, they are MY words. Please leave a comment, though. Also, this list will probably extend.
Oh my dear god!!! My sister is attacking me with the damn vacume cleaner!!!! She actually lifted it above her head!!!! She looked like a mad woman!!!
Sitting here, on the floor of my tiny room, just, the quiet. it's so natural, yet over whelming. When I think of him, i know i will see him soon, and that's enough for now. I will never give up, because i'm lucky. I'm lucky because i have them. Him, and the special people that make me feel special. Some people will never open up. They've been hurt so much, for them, trust is impossible. I can't imagine it. Just thinking about my past, my present. My future. What does it hold for me? If there's no way to tell exactly how my life will happen, why am I so anxious to live it?
What if I were to run? Just leave this entire life and never come back. For miles, just keep going and never coming back. With nothing but myself to live on. I know I would be happier. To do what I wanted, for once. And never have to see the ones that hurt me ever again. But, running away feels too much like giving up. Like I wasn't good enough- which, I already know i'm not, but for some reason i'm still trying. As much as I hate it, I still have to work it out. Even if I really only do have like, four people who I can be completely honest with. They are the only ones keeping me sane. The reason i'm still here.
i know where you are coming from with that one hun......i just wanna get away too *sighs*
NEVER run from your problems in life, you ALWAYS walk through them the best way you know how, and in the end, you will reach the light at the end of te dark tunnel you are waking thorugh in life. NEVER give up
I can only trust the people inside my screen. My family has abandoned me. Making fun of something so dear to me. I have been shot. right in the heart. They don't care about vampires, so I don't care about them. I have what I need, and it's not them.
Why are cookies so delicious? Just waiting to be bitten into. soft, gooey chocolate! Well, this isn't a problem until you finish it, and you want milk! it's like, impossible to just have the cookie!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like just putting my head on my keyboard and see what comes onto the page, so here it goes!
hgmnik kmijnvbg6yh7thjupi9hjjkkjlk;lkoli'
[]lklikljpklhbnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhjghuyyuyuhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhijhjighfgrerd fredf rdefwesdewsreftrtynkmjmnljhjhjhlpk
heh. ok, then.
When people find out that i'm a twin, they usually ask what it's like. I guess it's pretty cool, cuz you never get bored, but I find it kind of annoying. No offense o my twin at all, though! Just always being compared to her. Both my brother and sister get better grades than me. Also, I don't get the same kind of privacy that I want. She's always there, and it's not her fault, but alot of the time it's annoying to never be able to escape. So, being a twin is ok, but i'd like us to be seperate ages!
So, my sister and one of my best friends decided to drag me to see some chick flick called bride wars. It was ok, but i'd personally rather see Twilight for the third time, if it was still playing! I just don't have a taste for girly movies! I recently learned that fans were told to bring paper bags to the theatres if seeing Twilight, to avoid hyper- ventelating! Also, when I went, there was a nurse there in case anyone fainted! The movie seriously is that amazing!
23:31 Feb 25 2009
What else would you be dear....:)
01:01 Feb 26 2009
A clone of my brother. In college now, with a 4.0, he's an R.A. and even took over a couple classes for his teachers! Studying to be a doctor, of course! I'm in his shadow, but at least it's dark.
23:42 Feb 26 2009
placing standards like that on children are so crazy no two ppl are the same