I have four classes that I take at the local community college, you'd think I could keep it together. yet, with the prospect of possibly failing Zoology, I am not happy. I'm not going down without a fight. I just can't afford anything less than an A now, so here we go, hours of studing coming at me, and my other three classes will suffer. I believe I will get through this class, and I will try to get a C or a B, I don't want my grade point average going down.
I am a nerd just so anyone else wants to know, I love to learn, and it frustrates me when I don't get something right. So, I will be surfing the net to complete a set of cards to study with and going to the lab so that I can disect my grasshoppers, squids, crayfish, and flatworms. Yes, I am going to get a good grade on my next lab exam, I am going to get an "A." I am going to make my brain burst with knowledge, even if my professor sucks, I'm determined to make a good grade.
So, here goes I hope that I can make an A for the rest of the tests.