unpretty's Journal

unpretty's Journal


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4 entries this month


04:31 Jul 08 2009
Times Read: 569

I was thinking to myself today, about how so many people spout off about religion. Even, I myself am guilty of it just as anyone else. I don't do that to impress upon others what I, myself believe, but to gain further insight as to what others think or feel. I find it to be rather mind blowing sometimes and yet, at the same time a bit...discerning.

Which brought me to my thoughts today, Ignorance is very loud. I hear it everyday when I am working, listening to the radio, the TV, and when I watch people on TV shows. Then intelligence is very silent, you can't hear it if you're not paying attention. I have tried to pay attention, but actions and words are rather different indeed.

There is that quote were "actions speak louder than words." What if the words were just repeated so much that the actions no longer had their language?

So, my notion came to one simple quote that I have fomulated, use as thou will. "Ignorance is loud, Intelligence is silent."




Universal Laws

07:03 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 574

Alright, let's just break this down, you can be any religion you want to be and all of these will apply to you! I am excited to see something that ties us all together. It's in these laws that each person can find harmony the most, once you know how the universe works, you can make the universe work for you.

The universal laws, are not used for gain or to hurt other people that have wronged you. They are used to bring harmony, love, and understanding. If you want revenge, then there is no need to read any further the universal laws will not help you!

First and foremost, when dealing with the universe, nothing is simply by chance. There is a system that may make it seem like it is, but life just doesn't happen when you look at what is governing our foot steps behind us. We are all governed by one thing or another, which to most atheist can be a bit unnerving. Sorry!

So what are the universal laws?

The Law of Vibration - This is simply put that everything in the universe is moving. You can remember back to science when they talk about atoms and how they move. The energy is constant and once created never destroyed. There is a pattern and frequency to everything that exists in our universe.

The law of attraction- This is where any type of energy broadcast is attracted by energies of the same or harmonious energy. So if you have negative energy, then those with negative energy are going to be attracted. The same goes for positive, but I think we all get it.

The Law of Cause and Effect- I have heard people refer to this as Karma, like it states any action performed will have a return on that action either equal to or multiplied.

The Law of Resonance- Is the law that determines the vibratory frequency or pattern that every object in the universe functions on. This goes with emotions, beliefs, thoughts and projections of energy.

The Law of Growth- This is the easiest to get, it exists to ensure that there is constant growth and creation throughout the universe.

The Law of Abundance- This is best understood by looking at how the universe is constantly growing and the resources that we have to continue growing. This is determined by the kind and quality of seed produced within the universe.

The Law of Polarity- This is were we all tend to wonder why we have to go through certain events in our lives. If you learn to understand this law, than you gain a deeper understanding of why we all have hard spots that we go through. Simply put it's for us to understand each other as a whole.

The Law of Reciprocity- This law is connected with all laws intricately and moves at an unwavering pace to harmonize all laws together. What was once the beginning is the end, as any of you would be aware of. We all follow the laws of the universe and they are all inter-locked.

I believe that once we all understand how intricately connected we are by these laws, we can now figure out how to harmonize. I don't think these laws are too far fetched for any religious or non religious person to understand and grasp.




conversations in my head

08:37 Jul 03 2009
Times Read: 582

It was dead, right there in front of her eyes but she couldn't seem to accept the fact that it was dead. She stared across at him, wondering why the emotions had suddenly died. "It's permanent, you know?" his voice was strong, convicted and yet there was an underlining hurt as if he was trying to convey some sympathy.

All that registered in her mind was instant anger, "It's permanent, because you're making it permanent you selfish pretentious bastard."

His eyes widened at her sudden anger, as if she didn't have a right to be so angry. How could she be? She choose the path first, and he was just following as she had led.

"You want to start over, but we can't."

She laughed, bitterness brimming to the top of her vocal cords as she continued to stare at him.

"I wouldn't want to start over with someone that is as emotional as a computer screen. You're practically a waste of flesh."

He was angry now, sparks flying inside of his mind.

"At least I remained true on my part of the deal and I didn't try to take back what I said."

She laughed even more a tone added into it that he had never heard before.

"No, I thought I could take back and start anew but thinking about it now makes me want to laugh any harder. I wouldn't want someone so damaged that they can't function without a computer screen to comfort them."

His bottom lip began to shake with anger as a million things came to mind, but none to really say back to her.

"Let me give you some advice when you decide to date someone seriously. First and foremost don't make a part of any of your decisions, because even if I made a lot of mistakes they don't deserve to be treated the way you treated me. Second, you keep your stupid friends in check, they may be there for you but that bitch you keep around needs to learn to look at your happiness. Third, don't you sit there and try to be logical with a relationship. You just doom it before it even really takes off. Fourth, support don't destroy, you're lack of emotional compatibility may make this hard but if you work on it I am sure you'll find it somewhere. Fifth, after you've been dating for a while, you put your friends in the back seat were they belong. They aren't going to marry you or have your children so they don't deserve the spot light after some time."

She breathed in feeling satisfied with herself now that she had some things off her chest. He had his hands in fists.

"And why would I want to take relationship advice from you?"

She merely smiled.

"Because I know how to be with you and fail, but I also know where you need to improve. You once told me how to improve my personality. I am merely telling you, how to improve yours. You don't like it, then don't dish out what you don't want given back."

He glared at her, not wanting to soak in an ounce of what she had said. Yet, it didn't seem to matter to her, she had said what she had been meaning to say all along.





09:36 Jul 01 2009
Times Read: 584

It comes to me that some people ignorantly believe what they want to believe rather than looking at the truth. Let's just state some rather harsh truth's, the bible is contradictory. It's so much so, that it can cause most of us to either believe that God is bi-polar or man wrote it. I would certainly hope man wrote it, because I believe God would need some serious medication from the bi-polar he seems to be suffering. We can also see that God is seen as a uni-sexual higher being, but most people in the christian religion refer to him as him. Strange, but then they get it confused with Jesus. According to the good book, Jesus was the SON of god, not god himself, yet he was which makes it confusing.

I just don't understand how people can blindly follow a religion without questioning it's motives or what the contradictions have to do with anything. I don't really mind Christainity in all honesty, I just think it's a bit too oppressive. I mean anything that was, is, and will be different is doomed to have the "good" book thrown at them for not conforming to it.

I just think people need to look at it this way, if people are doing something that doesn't harm others than it should be allowed. In the pagan religion I practice "harm none, and do as thou will" is what encompasses the entirety of the christian religion's ten commandments. It can also be used in any sense, if you think you're harming someone, you shouldn't be doing it. Simple right? In that I don't really see ANY loop holes.

I am also constantly reminded of how blind people can be, when they continue to follow the same pattern day in and day out, just asking for forgiveness. It's as if people expect that bad deeds won't come back to bite them in the ass, because they have God on their side. There is a system of checks and balances in the universe for a reason. It doesn't matter what you did, or when you did it, you'll hear about it later on. You can't expect to not get punished for a bad deed.

I guess, I am just glad to be free of blindness, but even so a little.



11:13 Jul 01 2009

Wow that was an awesome journal entry. I have the same feelings, however I don't practice paganism. I believe that Christianity is just a religion that steals bits of history. Anyway, this is a site that I like to look at;


Thanks for the awesome read.

13:08 Jul 01 2009

But isn't that what 'faith' is about. The ability to believe without question!!

You should also know that it was Christianity that has given you that very freedom you feel glad about ;-)

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