I don't need my words to tell you how I feel.
I just need my eyes to help you heal.
I don't need my voice,
I can make it without that choice.
I have my fingers to trace you out,
I can use them to take away your doubt.
I don't need my brain to tell me what to do,
I can do anything when I have you.
I don't need the material things you give me now,
I just need to remember when and how.
I don't need you to tell me how you feel,
I already know what's real.
I can be the smile that you never had,
I can be the reason you're never sad.
I can be the embrace you miss,
I can be your deepest kiss.
I don't need anything else, but you.
My body language can get me through.
And even if I had no words or voice.
I could still make you my choice.
Up against the stars,
A rather black sky.
I find myself looking,
As if it's time to die.
Yet, all I feel is peace,
A wave travels through.
I find nothing wrong,
Just staring into the deep blue.
I'm happy, Content.
Life feels rather complete.
I don't know what to say,
Can't wait until we meet.
So lost have I been,
Without you near.
You're my everything,
With you there's nothing to fear.
I'm happy,
Because tomorrow brings you.
I feel my energy raise,
And I close my eyes to let it through.
I lay down,
And I watch the sky fade away.
Because with this night passes,
It's brings me the breaking day.