This week was homecoming right and all i heard was how im being stupid by not going. Then they all told me later that it was really stupid and wish they hadn't gone. So u can bitch to me about not going then not realize i was the smart one.
If you don't like the fact that I'm different well then you can go die in a hole but don't come to hell because i just want to get rid of you.
HAve a nice day!
So in the past week i've had all this dumped on me:
my ex is bringing my bff to homecoming, two of my friends have tried to kill themselves, school on top of that, rugby practice and game, and basketball practices and game
and everyone still expects me to be little miss cheerful well i'm done posing i'm showing everyone who i truly am; a cutter, a bi, and a suicidal.
yeah it sucks caring about what others think. It's like you are being considerate to them and inconsiderate to yourself at the same time. It's been a long time since I was a kid, but I do know bullshit. I like your solution. Fuck being a poser, be who you are and own that fucking shit. If you like playing sports keep that shit up, just be yourself. Bravo to you. m