This really hurts.
I hate life.
Life has just been fucking PEACHY for me lately.
Isn't THAT lovely.
No. No its not.
Boredom strikes me yet again as I...sit.
I checked out some books though. I'm happy about that.
The library here smells like old woman. Kinda funny because mostly gothy kids come in here and "hang out". It's cool to be at the library. Be jealous of them.
mmm yes. G'day.
When it started I knew it would hurt.
But not this bad.
I did not know it would work so well.
But what goes up
Always has to go down.
Do you ever wonder why we feel what we feel? Why we need what we need? Why people drift apart? Why our minds always change? Why we all like different things? Why certain people act certain ways?
Ever wonder how we are made? Why things appeal to us?
Ever wonder why woman and men are so different? How preps and goths are so different? Why we need to label people? Why some are born rich and some are born poor. Some are Paris Hilton and some are bums on Seattle. Why some are motivated and some are lazy. Why music is so important to people?
Why you still love someone when they want you to move on? What if you dont want to move on? What if you want them. What if you can't imagine being with anybody else? What if they want to date other people. What if they break promises. What if the world you once knew just went away in an instant? What if your best friend died tonight? What if your best friend started to smoke crack? Would you still care for them? What if your house burned down? What would you do?? If your best friend became famous would you be jealous? What if you married someone you didn't really like?
That would suck, kupo.
I love the band Gunther. It's so tacky and lovely. :D Yay for ugly german horny guys!! Har.
I'm hyper. I had me energy drink so now I are giddy. Gidddddddy. :D
Hmm. Yes. I've nothing to say. Except friends need to get online. Yes yes.