Never have i wanted to posses some one or thing so much. never have i needed to have someone in a way as this, when you cross my mind all i can think is MINE. The ring i wear shows you'r mine, it isn't up for discussion. Call me possessive , call me crazy, but you'r mine.
I told you don't worry love :)
When God comes to me I will be waiting. Gun cocked, my fingers pacing. Gonna tell him I was born, mistaken, gonna let my finger slip, gonna let him know this times certain. God help my shakin’ hand, I can see your light, illuminating the dead. Devil’s gonna come, he’s been waiting. Knows my soul’s just there for the takin’, He tells me I’m forsaken. Life’s a game, my soul’s the prize and he’s the winner. He’s Gonna take another sip of my soul, his favorite sinner.
00:22 Apr 20 2013
Im not going anywhere love :)