Thank you for the Birthday wishes.
I have not done any art since I broke my back at the end of July 2019. I stand a lot when I paint and could not do it comfortably. By October we signed a contract with a builder to move. I was feeling better but got into packing and a ton of purging/selling stuff since we were doing a major downsize. Ended up stripping my art room down since it was always in a trashed but organized state with my art and hubs RC hobbies. Once the house was officially on the market the house had to stay spotless. We sold, moved, and still had a lot to get rid of. We had a large garage built over the summer and my art space will be in the loft when it is done. I missed out on the local holiday craft fair last year since a lot was in storage. I really don't have a proper space to create but I organized enough space to be able to get some work done and scored a spot today in the show due to people that had not yet paid. I have a lot of old work to sell but concentrating on holiday-themed items right now. Maybe this will get me and my lazy self to fire my etsy back up.
18:05 Oct 31 2021
Ugh. I missed it! Happy belated Birthday!
01:55 Nov 01 2021
Thank you, girl! xoxo