We had our first vet visit yesterday for the pup. She is 24 pounds, which is more than we thought. The vet guessed Dalmation/Husky for her breed mix. He said she does have Border Collie markings though. We will get a DNA done on her soon. She did well at the vet around th other animals there so that was good. I need to work on her car riding. She is cray cray initially and then lays down. I will take any advice on that one.
Mogy, imgur does not let me post a pic live like I used to? It posts a link. Have you had this issue?
I used to get that option! Maybe it was acting up.
Thank you!
15:04 Oct 31 2019
Well, you can give her the command to 'lay down' if she's been taught that then treats for listening and to take her mind off the fact that she's moving very fast in some metal thing. LOL!
16:23 Oct 31 2019
Wait, she's not driving??? lol
23:29 Oct 31 2019
Well, she came from a rescue in BFE and was penned up with about 20 other pups. So no prior training. I think I am going to get one of those seat belt things fpr pups where you click them to the seat belt holder.