Dealing with 3 autoimmune diseases and other health issues I have been very cautious with social distancing etc. I have also been comfortable enough not to mask unless it was a mega crowded situation. Recently I attended some "work" dinners with my hubs. We did one. Then a couple of weeks later we had dinner on a Friday and Sunday. Friday was downtown Indy. Afterward, we went to a bar for a beer. Then came home. Monday I worked in my garden and made dinner. Typical day. I did not sleep well that night but did finally fall asleep after 1 a.m. Woke up at 5 a.m. totally chilled. I turned my heating pad on to try and warm up. I got out of bed at about 7 and heated up a small bowl of pasta, took my temp which was 96.2 at the time, and took some cold medicine, just in case. I woke up around 9 and had fatigue going on which I get with my lupus so I figured it was going to be one of those days. Come afternoon I was feeling flushed and took my temp again. 100.2. Took another round of OTC meds. Did the covid test and got a positive. My temp was never up after that time. I have felt fine for a week. But today, on day 11 I still pop positive on the covid test!!!! UGH! I was going to make an appointment with a new GP doc but held off after the positive covid test. I also had to cancel the yearly labs that I had scheduled. Now I am getting close to running out of one of my prescriptions. I have an appointment with my Rheumatologist on Tuesday so I hope she will gift me with a refill on that script. And thank goodness she does virtual appointments. Cross my fingers.
14:55 May 15 2022
15:48 May 17 2022
Feel better. Good luck with everything.