I am nearing my 20th year of being vegetarian. I am so beyond the stupidity and mockery that tends to be spewed against mine and millions of other people who have chosen this path and further... my MANY health issues swayed me in this path and I figured I had nothing to lose to try it. I have fared much better than my meat eating friends with similar health issues. I have my issues but they are mild to what my friends have seen. So, I will continue on my path and keep hoping for the best.
I don't even drink mead, yet those jugs of it look damn yummy!
Damn! I was looking for a picture of a sandwich. ^_^
I did raspberry, mixed berry and regular. You would like them Isis. I hope they are ready for the holiday season but it may be a little longer. The ABV content will be over 10% for sure.
I'll pay shipping plus a fee for a mason jar! I am serious! I never tasted meed.
In my mind yesterday I had planned on staying up late and playing online. Once night time hit I was extremely tired and ended up going to bed super early. I slept well. But now I feel all lethargic and out of it. UGH! I will try an energy drink and hope that it does something for me...
Mogy, Mogy.... Now you know two older women will royally fuck your shit up.... Right???? :P
Yup, that's exactly what you want to happen!
03:57 May 26 2014
Its been almost two years since I've been one. And I did it for the health reasons also. I get sick less often than I used to and I feel full of energy,not to mention I lost a ton of weight.
Some people will go on about animals but I try to tell them that's not my reasoning.
I hope to hit that mark one day. 20 years of you being badass! :)
04:02 May 26 2014
I say more power to you. It just leaves more meat for me! hehe. Seriously though, cynics over the issue are pointless, and need to adhere to the adage MYOB! It is akin to the crusaders against Same sex marriage, or even simple homosexuality in general. Though the self righteous activist Vegans tend to chap my hide, and rub most people the wrong way (which is why i feel that sadly the flack they generate falls on the non-activist vegetarians.) The one thing that has been coming out to be fad is the gluten free crowd, and how people without cilia are getting on the band wagon.
I saw a meme that said:
What do you call Vegan, sugar free, gluten free brownies?
04:05 May 26 2014
Thank you Rose!!!! Since I have no religion I follow, this is what I consider my religion. I would never make fun of any one for their religion or beliefs and I still get it, from people I would not expect it from. It hurts but, hey. What ever. I am numb to it. And I was not in it for animal rights, but after this long, you see and learn a lot... Full on, uneducated meat-eaters will never understand or even give a fuck...
04:37 May 26 2014
I'm a meat eater, yet I find myself going more towards less meat...to no meat.
I'm glad that you don't let others' bullshit interfere with your life and lifestyle! *hugs*
04:38 May 26 2014
And my reasoning actually has more to do with animal rights... :)
16:23 May 26 2014
I'm guilty of teasing my vegetarian friends, but it's not meant to cross over into the realm of hazing or SERIOUSLY mocking the choice of others solely for the purpose to belittle or hurt someone. When I tease, it's ALWAYS in jest prompting the other to by all means tease me back, but one does have to know the personality of the other as well as limits. If my teasing about your or any other vegetarian's lifestyle has crossed the line, my sincerest apology.
Furthermore, congrats on nearing your 20th year! ^_^
16:37 May 26 2014
Most definitely not directed toward you Mogy. I would talk to you personally if that were the case. I had someone I don't know get under my skin on some posts I made on a friends fb.
I will get you to eat a tofu sandwich one way or another :P