I do not spend as much time as I would like to here, and maybe it is a good thing! This fucking site has gone haywire. Blocks, downrates, negative honor, journal slams, kismet slams...what the fuck has happened to this place??? So glad I gave away 2 of my profiles... I am thinking a third is soon to come and just sit on my 2 lifetimes...
I started to type this entry yesterday and it sounded all crazy and jumbled so I deleted it before I posted, but oddly enough after I deleted the entry, Justin checked my journal as if he knew I had mentioned him in what I had typed....eeep! So it goes.... I am in week 4 of my phlebotomy class. Time to bust out the rubber arms to practice on, two differently structured arms. We have to do 3 succsessful punctures on each arm. I somehow nail them all. No wasted tubes! Next week is the real deal!! I will have Justin perched on my shoulder as I do my first live draw! I can envision it and it will help me get through it! :) I have to leave this thought with a nice video... (mild nudity)
Maybe it is just me, but there are people that have made an impact in my life that I have lost touch with over the years and I will wonder about them and how they are. Well as times have gotten more tech savvy I try to search for certain people every now and again. Just on social sites. No big detailed search, and tonight I have run across a couple of my old co-workers profiles from the early to mid 80's. I sent them both an identical "generic" message... So, now the wait...So excited!!!
04:57 Feb 20 2012
Who needs the soap opera's we got VR.
It makes facebook seem really friendly. I like having a place to post journals that I may not want to post on facebook.
What I like about VR is that a few people who I may consider peers may read what I have to say and give an opinion.
I think I may have made a grammatical error but I am a little tired to double check it.
05:36 Feb 20 2012
I know - bad behavior everywhere, huh? Although I must admit that I wade through all of the gore with avid interest at times..sort of like looking at the aftermath of a bloody 12-car pile up on the highway.
13:01 Feb 20 2012
LMAO Isis!!! I do wade through the bullshit, but lately it is pretty thick...