I know I am not a spring chick anymore, but I am most certainly not over the hill, YET! But there is some reason that I got a spiral fracture in September, from just doing an every day normal thing. So tomorrow morning I am having a bone density test. I am kind of nervous for the results and I am not one to look things up and self diagnose since I have a pretty good knowledge of a lot of health related issues. But over the years I have been on prednisone for my lupus. Last year I was on for about 6 months. That was my longest stint. So any good mojo my way will be greatly appreciated!
At this point in the semester I am ready for my 4 week holiday break which as of today, is in eleven days. So last week just sails on pretty smoothly. I get home on Friday from the hospital and see I have a message on my phone from my car insurance company. Yada yada, I am figuring it is a sales pitch type call. I listen to the message and someone claims I was in an accident with them. I call the insurance company and find out the supposed accident happened like 5 hours south of here. I made a recorded statement and gave him the hospital info since I was there at the time of said accident. So they call again this afternoon and ask if I have any front end damage since I supposedly rear ended this guy who did not make a police report and now tomorrow they are coming in the afternoon to take pictures of my car! WTF! I keep asking the guy "Really????" This is fraud!!! HELLO!!!! All they have to do is call the hospital. Easy fix! The insurance guy said the hit'ee said we exchanged info...NOT! I would call the cops no matter what! It is the law here, or so I thought. I will report back...lol
Someone wants a Xmas pay out!! lol
Shit like this is just so damned annoying! You should be a completely crank about it and demand the insurance company compensate you for the time you're wasting with them.
It is a scam for sure! I'm waiting to hear the outcome too!
23:54 Dec 10 2012
*hugs* and good thoughts, always.
04:17 Dec 11 2012
I have to keep realizing that I actually have arthritis in my knees...lol
Seriously - I hope that all goes well with the tests. Maybe you'll just need more vitamins, like vitamin D?
Good luck, hon!
08:15 Dec 11 2012
More than just 'good moj' comin' your way hun. x
21:26 Dec 11 2012
Bummer. I'll put some mojo in the overnight shipment.
00:08 Dec 14 2012
Hope this and the shenanigans with the auto insurance all just become a good story soon!