Finally closed on my old house on the 31st of July. We ended you with one double mortgage payment. So not too bad since the world is a shit show right now. During the moving process, I ended up hurting my right foot somehow. I had to keep pressing on to get stuff done and did as many breaks as I could. I eventually ended up going to the doc and getting an x-ray. Nothing was broken and it was determined I had a hematoma on my foot. She said 2+ more weeks to feel better. I ended up not feeling well about 5 days later and spent a lot of time in bed and my foot felt so much better. So I stayed off of it as much as possible and it got better. We are still dealing with crap that the builder needs to fix. One of them is a major structural issue. We are also planning for our garage with my artist loft at the same time. We are hearing from some of the contractors we are dealing with that our builders are shady as fuck and do shit work. They also are in court over these things. I am sure we will end up with them there as well... ugh!
07:08 Aug 13 2020