Heading out to Chicago tonight to hang with a friend of mine that I have not seen in like 10 years. I met him when I was managing a store at the mall over 25 years ago. He worked for me. He was the first gay person that I had become really close friends with as most of the others that I knew back then never came out. We spent a lot of time going out to the clubs and eventually our lives took turns and he moved out of state. Well we have been in contact for quite awhile now and he has been through some rough health issues and multiple surgeries and is scheduled for surgery in less than a month. He told me he is afraid and he needs to see me. How could I say no to that? So I expect some tears to be shed tonight as he lets it all out to me. But I wouldn't have it any other way and I am glad I am here to do so.
I'm glad that you're there for him.
Crazy. I just reconnected yesterday with someone I havent talked to in over twelve years myself! We chatted and got caught up just a bit before I had to run but it was very "wow so much has happened and yet...". Hope you have a great time!
16:17 Aug 24 2012
Haha! This kicks ass!