
Hell (Coven)

Going to be MIA for the week. Death in the family.
Set at 19:01 on August 29, 2012

Vampire Rave member for 12 years.

Status:  Spook (24.33)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden




Bite Talona

Stalk Talona



"Not All Who Wander Are Lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien

***NOTE: Before you continue on and roll your eyes at what you are about to read, please note that I do not claim to be some supernatural or otherworldly being. What I claim to be, and what I am, is a young woman who drinks blood, and has experienced health related things that no one can explain to me. Yes, I drink human blood. I don't know what that makes me. What I AM is someone who is trying to figure out more about herself, to understand her actions in life, and to understand what her body is going through. What I am is someone who asks a question, only to end up with several more on her mind when she receives the answer. More than that, I don't need flippant, hateful comments about "You are not a vampire" thrown in my face. Once more, and this bears repeating a million times over, I do not claim to be a vampire. Thank you, and go ahead and continue on now.***

How I have decided to rate:

I LOVE to give high ratings of ten. Love love love it. However, if you have a completely blank profile, I have decided that I will not rate at all until such time as you do. I figure you either haven't had a chance to create a profile of your liking, or you are never going to. In either case, I want to give people a chance to impress instead of just assuming the worst. If you rate my profile, I WILL take the time to read and look at yours and do the same. Be patient with me though, because I actually like to absorb what I find there. I find reading about people on this site is enlightening and enriching for me. I will not just scroll past the content and give you a 10. I actually want to learn about you first.

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Thank you, Wraith. You honor me with this.

If you have managed to read all this, and are still interested in knowing me, then all of the "juicy" details about me are coming next!

The dirt:

I drink blood. It's that simple. My process is safe and sterile, and my donor is clean. If you do not like this, please feel free to skip past the rest of what I'm about to say, because I would hate to offend. I have done this from a young age. It is NOT a romantic or sexual act. I cannot stress this enough. I also do not share my blood, as there's no real reason for me to. Apart from the drawing process, there is little to no physical contact with my donor until after our process is finished. My donor is willing, and he is my husband. I do not skulk around in alleys, looking for innocent victims. Likewise, I would never take from a stranger I met in a night club or a bar. That is the sort of crap that gets a person dead. Additionally, I do not recommend anyone doing this who does NOT have the expertise and know-how to handle a needle. Otherwise, it can still be dangerous. You came to my profile to learn about me, and now you know.

The lighter side of me:

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This is the important stuff, in my opinion. Because I'm more than someone who just drinks blood. A lot more, as you are about to find out! I am a veterinary technician. I've been working with animals since I was old enough to work. I started out doing the grunt work, so to speak. I worked in the kennel, and then eventually I moved up to tech assistant. Before long, it became clear that this was something I loved to do, so I went to school and became certified. I love working with animals. They do not judge me, no matter what I tell them about me. They do not lie. They do not hate. They simply are. And I feel we can all learn a great deal from them. See that pretty girl up there? That's my sable German Shepherd Dog, Brenna. She is my heart dog. That is the face of unadulterated love and fierce loyalty.

This leads me to my next passion in life; Paintball. I have been playing paintball since 1999, and I am a part of a fantastic team that is more like family than friends. We founded the team in 2000, and it is still going strong. On that note, say hello to my little friend:

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This next part, I am not ashamed to say, is a not-so-obvious facet of my life. I AM a gamer. I will always BE a gamer. And I'm not ashamed of it. All sorts of games. I am not stuck on only console or computer games. I do it all! Tabletop, boardgames, console, computer, cards. All of it. I am a nerd extraordinaire, and you know what? Geeks are sexy.

My current gaming addiction: Darksiders II

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Who knew Death was such a sexy beast?

My mind, my heart:

My mind and my heart once belonged to only me. But that is no longer the case. During the course of my life, I've infrequently stumbled across those who would later have a profound impact on my life. To those people, I gifted a part of myself, and it will forever remain with them...even whilst we are apart. The three most distinguised of those people are as follows, in order of their introduction into my life: My sister, my husband, and my child.

Renee, my sister and my hero:
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Maxwell, the love of my life:
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Autumn, my miracle child, my reason to smile:
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Apart from that, I am a multifaceted person, as we all are. I am intensely loyal to those who have earned it, brutally honest, and extremely kind. I have a very long fuse. That is to say...it takes a great deal to drive me to honest anger. But once I am there, I have been described as 'explosive'. I'm a little of a tomboy, but unless you know me personally, it's hard to tell. I love tattoos and ink, and other body modifications. Thank goodness for medical scrubs, or I may not have a job any longer.

My physical stats:
I'm short, and always will be. I stand at an unimposing height of 5'5", and I'm ideal in weight, at 125-130. I have been told that people always think I'm taller, but I believe it's just in the way I carry myself. My eyes are green and brown (green on the inside, and brown on the outside). Though for ease of use, my license has labelled me as 'hazel eyed'. I also have extremely long hair at current, though I've been giving very real thought to chopping it off and donating to Locks of Love. It is very dark brown, a trait that I get from my Native American heritage.

There is much more waiting to be learned, but if you would like to know more, please message me and get to know me. I welcome intelligent, friendly conversation.

And a photo of me, to go with my description:

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Member Since: Aug 18, 2012
Last Login: Aug 29, 2012
Times Viewed: 3,421

Times Rated:232

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Dec 17, 2023

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Mar 20, 2022

you have been rated fairly



Jul 27, 2020
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