i'm alive..... fracking hard drive.....
have you ever had one of those days that you just want to hide under the bed?
thank the gods that this cheating thing is over with...... gods, how could someone do that?
this whole cheating thing has me perpelced....
i know that a lot went into looking into what happened, but the member of my coven claims that they didn't do it.....
this guy really has a screw missing..... and he won't leave her alone.....
shit..... there is even mention that he may try to actually kidnap her.....
the fucker claims to have been in her house!!!!
i don't blame her for being scared. and now he's here on this site!!!
i have one member of my covent that is getting threats that he's going to get kicked off the site because he as the same avatar as another user. what the fuck
and the more that if find out about this stalking situation, the scarier that it is.... it's actually carried over into real life.......
fuck, i don't getting. i've got one coven member that is getting threats and i have another that is getting stalked....