we start in a big mall, pick time... i was looking somebody. and then this black girl came to me:
¿ You , you , you 4x times... where's pro vision?
me: pro what>?
girl: pro vision? > applying 68 decibels loud
me: ¿How i'm supposed to know? i don't work here.
girl: get out of my way. asshole ( at least that what i understand)
shit, from where these people come from? stressland? ¿why people came here if they can handle climate change? Fact: We mix sulfur to export to hell to keep it running..booyaa
a day for some lazy people....doing some webdeveloping and playing fallout3 for pc..great game.
2 hours trip... it's 11am, and my contact isn't in the site. this suck... where is it?, idiot
damm AT&T
Calling: ring ring
me: where are you dude?
AT&T: i'm too far yet, give me 1 hour.
me: dude... we setup this shit for 10am
FUCK!!! hurry up, i'm hungry
another day... 4 hours trip... i'm starting to hate the road!!!
Tuesday!! more to do...another day on the road.
Things are getting expensive these day... food, hidration, fuel... few smokes sometimes.
Thursday, still working... it's 8pm so far....very hungry, going into a frenzy soon.
here i am again.... 2 hours trip, waiting for AT&T.
damm company