Yay i cant believe how good things are going for me now. I am married to the most wonderful guy ever who spoils me every chance he gets.
I have a beautiful daughter who he treats as his own and we have the cuties puppy ever (that Tom is trying to make into a red neck puupy). Not only our puppy into a red neck but trying to make me into one too lol
We live on 5 acres beside a lake full of trees and lots of wild life etc
We have been spending the winter fixing up the house adding new carpet and Tom is remodeling the whole bathroom right now. Tom is a master electrician but can do anything. He knows how to build a house and do all the work needed to it from the ground up. I am very lucky for that b/c i am getting spoiled as he is remolding the whole house one bit at a time.
We have been working on the outside of the house and yard the spring. Yay i have lots of flower gardens and veg gardens thru out the property. It is all looking amazing and once all the flowers are all in bloom it will look even better.
I have some of the pics in my port but i am getting so many of the gardens that i put a link to my facebook instead so you can see them there.
here is the link if you are interested in looking at them
01:11 May 16 2010
You are looking content Tammy :)