Do you rember your first taste of blood?
i do,
i was sitting in geography it was feburay or january, i cant rember. i had beencutting for about half a year and the usual was happening, shouts of abuse were being hurled across thee room in my direction i was huddled over running my thumb over my sisors comtemplaing weather they were sharp enough and weather they should be used at school ever, when i pressed a lil too hard and cut my thumb, i started to suck at it so as not to let any one know, i love the taste, the feel of it on my tounge and for weeks after that when i got home from school i would feel the need to cut my thumb and drink from there again, i though it was total normal, one day i asked my friend weather she had ever tasted blood, she was disgusted and said some thing to the efect of 'god no!' and i learned not to talk about it, i had been going to vampire rave for jsut over our under half a year and i turned to here for answers, i was sooo happy to find that i wasnt alone.
now i still drink my own blood often usualy at times when i feel a lot of emotion but other times i just crave it, i ahve 'come out of the coffin' to a few ofmy friends, they can like it or lump it. they tell my to stop and that im just harming my self, i cant imagine life with out blood. at the moment im wanting answers,