This is the worst time to be near me. i have killed countless of things that are human in my soul after each blood moon
As the moon weeps so does her eyes. As the damage to her heart is is her rage.
I have been blamed for many deaths. the blood of many is on my hands
There is no title for what i'm about to express. The needing of a man's hormones could drive him insane. For me its more complicated. When i get excited or angry or if threatend the beast trys to claw free. My lust could kill someone if i'm not careful. The beast and i are one package. everyday i ask the spirits why they choose me to harbor this curse.
why does your beast have to be a curse? i do not feel this way. i am interested why u find it so
Since i was 5 yrs old the only thing i can remeber while i have changed into the beast is the raveging hunger that builds way down deep before the change actualy happens. My beast responds to seduction.... rage...and although it comes to protect if i am threatend it dsoes more damage to the attacker then the attacker would of inflicted. I am not proud of the raging beast..... and just so u know the wolf and the beast are 2 seprate beings. The wolf is a doninate ..but very much a wolf with all the wolfs strengths and weaknesses....the beast is a mindless aggressive animal that resembles a wolf but with more of demon instincts than anything else. I'm pleadinhg with u to except the fact that i am a monster and plze do not get tooo close....for i fear i might harm you.
i accept you for who you are...and everything about not going anywhere
never been patient with them and never will be. if u like to say something say it to my face