Spell To combat abuse - mental or physical
Spell To combat abuse - mental or physical
purple candle
vegetable oil
bay leaf
3 inches red ribbon or yarn
3 inches white ribbon or yarn
3 inches black ribbon or yarn
cloth pouch
Inscribe the candle with the petitioners nameand birth date, then
anoint it
with vegetable oil. Roll the candle in a mixure of powdered rue,
cinnamon, bay leaf, and bazil, while chanting:
Herbs mix and mingle well, Add your power to this spell.
Put the candle in a holder and place it on the altar.Gather the
together and tie a knot at one end. Braid them together while
"Maiden, Mother, Crone-All Three, From all abuse (name of petitioner)
is now free."
Tie a knot in the loose ends so the braid doesn't unravel, then tie
both ends
together to form a ring. Place it around the candle to form a
circle. Sprinkle
the remaining herbs around the braid, and visualize the circle
stronger and stronger until it forms an impassable wall of
protection. Then light
the candle and say:
"From hurts and bruises (name of petitioner) is free
As I will, so mote it be."
After the candle burns out all the way down, gather the braid,
herbs, and
candle drippings, if any, into a cloth pouch. Give them to the
petitioner to keep
on her or his person as a protective measure.