Reflection Deflection Spell
* 1 black candle
* Bowl of salt
* Your favorite 'protective' incense
* Chalice or bowl of water
* Picture of the person from whom the energy is coming from
* A mirror (this mirror shouldn't be like a scrying mirror. It should have a
reflective surface, and should only be used for magical purposes and should
be magically cleansed before and after each use to get rid of any magical
'residue' and it's best if it's small and can stand up).
Cast your circle as you normally would (invoking Elements, the Goddess, the
God, etc.)
At this point, I would normally cleanse the mirror of anything, physically
and magically. Next, light the black candle. The picture of the person
should be face up in front of you.
Pick up the picture and look at it. Say the person's name three times to get
their image firmly in your mind. Take the picture and run it through the
incense smoke, saying:
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Air and the Law of Three!"
Next run it through the flame of the candle (not enough to catch it on fire)
and say:
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Fire and the Law of Three!"
Sprinkle water on the picture.
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Water and the Law of Three!"
Sprinkle a little salt on it:
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Earth and the Law of Three!"
Next, place the picture facing the mirror; the black candle should be behind
the mirror,
but still able to cast light upon the picture of the person. Visualize a
mirror-like surface
surrounding you, reflecting energies back towards the person.
"What you send at me goes back!
Three times light, three times black!
What you reap, so shall you sew!
From above and from below!
No harm will come, unless you send.
No loss will come, if ye be friend.
No harm to me, by mirror's shine,
For I reflect, by what is mine!
Earth and Air, Water, Fire,
Help reflect, by my desire!
I invoke the Law of Three!
This is my Will, and it shall be!"
Allow the candle to burn down, and close the circle as you normally would,
allowing the candle to burn itself out. After the candle has burned itself
out, be sure to cleanse or dispose of the other materials used. For example
I would ritually cleanse the mirror, and burn or bury the picture, depending
upon the circumstance.
To Protect An Object
With the first and middle fingers (or your Athame, if you have it with you), trace a pentagram over the object to be protected. Visualize electric-blue or purple flame streaming from your fingers (Athame) to form the pentagram. Say this as you trace:
'With this pentagram I do lay
Protection here both night and day.
And to the one who should not touch
Let the fingers burn and twitch.
I now invoke the Law of Three:
This is my will, so mote it be!'
Chant to Beckon a Person
If you are turning towards me,
Know I turn also to you
And come to me in love.
If you are thinking of me,
Know I think also of you
And come to me in love.
If you are saying my name
Know I say your name also, and call you to me
And come to me in love.
Say the person's name 3 times.
Note: This chant can be used in a love spell. Notice the all-important "if" that keeps it from violating the Threefold. This chant would be good for determining whether or not a person has feelings for you. If they already like you, this chant will prod them to call you, ask you out, make their feelings known in some way. If they don't like you, however, nothing will happen. The "if" insures that.
Chants & Prayers
A Daily Chant
Earth and Sea
Keep harm from me.
Wind and Fire,
Bring my desire.
A Prayer to Brigid
Dear Lady Brigid
Shining, Bright One
Goddess of Fire
Deity of Creativity
And Patroness of all Poets.
Guide me,
Bless me,
Light up my life with your divine intervention.
So mote it be.
Note: This is an all-purpose prayer that can be adapted for any particular God or Goddess you wish to commune with. Simply change the name and the traditional attributes. For example, see my Bast version below:
Dear Lady Bast
Shining, bright one
Goddess of Egypt
Deity of the moon
And Patroness of cats and women.
Guide me,
Bless me,
Light up my life with your divine intervention.
So mote it be.
50 Simple Charms
Who says that magick has to be complex? Here are fifty simple charms
that utilize many different common items, herbs, fruits and
vegetables. Note: Please do not use any of these charms in place of
medical treatment, or when outside help is obviously advisable.
1. Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your
2. Eat a pinch of thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams.
3. Place chips of cedar wood in a box with some coins to draw money to you.
4. Carry an anemone flower with you to ward against illness.
5. Hang a bit of seaweed in the kitchen to ward evil spirits.
6. Keep a jar of alfalfa in your cupboards to ensure the prosperity of
your house.
7. Burn allspice as an incense to draw money or luck to you, as well
as speed healing.
8. Cut an apple in half, and give one half to your love to ensure a
prosperous relationship.
9. Carry an avocado pit with you to let your inner beauty shine
10. Avocado is an aphrodisiac.
11. Strawberries are an aphrodisiac.
12. Place a piece of cotton in your sugar bowl to draw good luck to
your house.
13. Celery is an aphrodisiac.
14. Place almonds in your pocket when you need to find something.
15. Scatter chili peppers around your house to break a curse.
16. Carrying a packet of strawberry leaves will help ease the pains of
17. Scatter some sugar to purify a room.
18. Throw rice into the air to make rain.
19. Carry a potato in your pocket or purse all winter to ward against
20. Eat five almonds before consuming alcohol, to lighten the effects
of intoxication.
21. Place a pine branch above your bed to keep illness away.
22. Chew celery seeds to help you concentrate.
23. Carry a chunk of dry pineapple in a bag to draw luck to you.
24. Ask an orange a yes or no question before you eat it, then count
the seeds: if the seeds are an even number, the answer is no. If an
odd number, yes.
25. Eat olives to ensure fertility.
26. Toss oats out your back door to ensure that your garden or crop
will be bountiful.
27. Eat mustard seed to ensure fertility.
28. Place lilacs around your house to rid yourself of unwanted
29. Eat lettuce to drive lustful thoughts from your mind.
30. Rub a lettuce leaf over your forehead to help you sleep.
31. Add lemon juice to your bathwater for purification.
32. Eat grapes to increase psychic powers.
33. Carry a blade of grass to increase your psychic powers.
34. Smell dill to get rid of hiccups.
35. If you place a dill sachet over your door, those who wish you ill
can not enter your home.
36. Place cotton on an aching tooth, and the pain will ease.
37. Buy cotton to cause rain.
38. Place pepper inside a piece of cotton and sew it shut to make a
charm to bring back a lost love.
39. Carry a small onion to protect against venomous animals.
40. Eat grapes to increase fertility.
41. Place a sliced onion in the room of an ill person to draw out the
42. Place an onion underneath your pillow to have prophetic dreams.
43. Place morning glory seeds under your bed to cure nightmares.
44. Walk through the branches of a maple tree to ensure that you will
have a long life.
45. Mix salt and pepper together and scatter it around your house to
dispel evil.
46. Smell peppermint to help you sleep.
47. Hang a pea pod containing nine peas above the door to draw your future mate to you.
48. Eat a peach to assist in making a tough decision.
49. Carry peach wood to lengthen your lifespan.
50. Carry a walnut to strengthen your heart muscle
Chakras are life forces which flow through our body. With this info and exercise this will help us feel better, and unlock our hidden power...
left side of body=moon channel
right side of body=sun channel
To unleash your true potential of your chakras, follow this exercise...
Step 1: Sit, lie down, or stand straight in some position that allows you to relax while mainyaining a straight spine.
Breathe fast the slow and hold your breathe as much as you can then breathe fast then slow. Stay relaxed, then breathe slow and regular.
Step 2: Now focus on your spine
Breathe in visualizing a yellow square feeling your body. Your body has solidity and substance, be aware of this. Breathing out as you still visual the square.
Breathe in again but this time visualize a blue triangle, pointy down in the square. feel the power grow then release your breath.
Step 3: Focus an inch or so below the navel, (this chakra is called swadisthana. Its the water/moon center which controls the sexuel current, reproductive cycles, vitality, and physical health.) Breathe in ans visualize a pale blue or silver crescent moon on a cup(points of the crescent going up). As you hold breathe see the cup filled with water like light. Breathe out and see and feel the liquid filling your body and cleansing you. This is also called "astral light".
Its being drawn in your lungs as you breathe in then as you breathe out it flows through you body.
Step 4: Focus on the solar plexus. Visualize a bright red circle and dark red triangle pointing down. See the red color intensify as you breathe in, like you were foaming coals. Feel a heat spread from this center then hold you breath. When you breathe out, make the red grow cooler.
Breathe in and it intensifies,feel the heat moving through you body. Feel the toxins and impurities being burned away. You can gain control over your body temp with practice. The manipura chakra is the will/fire center, it controls adrenaline and physical power. It can give you power and intellect of the higher astral plane.
Step 5: Now focus on your heart. Focus 2 interlocking triangles made of gold as you breathe in. One pointed up, and one pointed down. Hold your breath and visualize the suns rays balancing, haramonizing and healing you. Breathe out still visualizing the sun shing on you.
Breathe in and feel yourself getting lighter and lighter. Being filled with air. Feeling wind being blown through you.
Your heart open and being filled with compasion, and love and light.
The anahata chakra is the heart center(halls of air). It ontrols functions of the heart among with emotions such as compassion and humanity. Roughly eqivalent to the higher mental world.
Step 6: Focus now on the hollow of your throat. Picture feeling a cool sensation at the back of your throat, picturing a opening in your throat to breath through the front of your neck.
Now visualize a red triangle pointed down with a indigo or violet circle. The circle should be the same size and position as you pictured as the opening in your throat. As you breathe in indigo or viloet smokey swirls filling the circle. As you release your breath, imagine the smoke drift toward below and above the chakras.
Vissuddha chakra is controling the action of the lungs and all aspects of respiration. Its located in the throats center of course. In conscious, it gives you creativity, spirtual development, and artistic _expression. Also called the "Akasha" center which is the seat of the soul.
Step 7: Now draw your attention to the middle of your forehead. This is called the anja chakra, also known as the 3rd eye, the center of spirtual knowledge. Also it associates with the spirtual world. Visualize a gold circle with wings. Inside this circle is a red triangle point up.
Breathe in and the sun growing brighter to the right of this anja chakra. As you breathe out the moon grows brighter on the left side of the chakra.
A few breaths, breathe in again. Hold your breathe and this time visualize an eye in the center of the red triangle. Feel a current vibration beyond and above your eyes. Try to imagine your 3rd eye opening up like you see through it...
Step 8: Now focus your attention on the crown just above your head. The sahasrara chakra regulates and balances the lower chakra. In consciousness this center represents universal consciousness and ultimate oneness. Its the source of clear light.
Now visualize sun above your head. Breathe in and feel the energy of the sun grow brighter above you. Breathe out and the moon growing brighter at the base of your spine each time you exhale.
Step 9: Reverse the order, renewing, energizing, balancing each chakra. Relax and allow these energies to ground before doing anything else...
You can also do each step one at at time...these steps will keep you aware, intune, and balanced..
Spell to Revive Magick Powers
On the night of a full or waxing moon, prepare a mixture of juniper oil and vanilla oil. Anoint a purple candle with the mixture. While anointing, picture yourself being strong and powerful, magick surging through your body, just dying to get out. Light the candle. Find a window from which you can see the moon. Reach your arms out and say:
"Oh dear goddess of love and light,
Please enhance my magick tonight.
While harming none and helping me,
This is my will, so mote it be!"
Visualize your arms soaking up all the moon's energies and the power spreading through your body. Put the candle out and leave it on your altar overnight. The next morning, go to a window where you can see the sun, reach out your arms and say:
"Oh dear lord of the sky and sea,
Please give your magick to me.
Ever mind the Rule of Three,
This is my will, so mote it be!"
When you've soaked up all the sun's energies, go back to your altar, light the candle, and meditate on it until it burns out.
How To Transport Yourself Into the Inner Realms
Pathworking, as guided meditations are sometimes called, is a term
which comes to us through ceremonial magick. It is one of the most potent tools we have for aligning ourselves with the energies of deities and mythic figures. The term "pathworking" has been adopted by Pagans who define it as a guided journey into the inner-world, or universal/archetypal/astral plane, for the purpose of acquiring a lasting change in both the conscious and subconscious mind of the journeyer.
Pathworking, sometimes referred to as an "advanced" magickal
practice, is as old as the art of storytelling itself, an art highly prized by the Celts. Their itinerant storytellers (called "seanachais") have, by using these ancient myths, helped transport many persons into the inner-realms and back again without them knowing such a transformation ever occurred.
Pathworking allows us to stretch our personal power to the limit as
it gently massages our deep minds to stimulate meetings and interactions with mythic figures, provoke creativity, aid in other astral projection, facilitate past-life recall, energize spell work, open channels for divination, and many other endeavors of importance to seekers on any spiritual path.
Pathworking takes us from the personal to the universal because,
above all else, it forges a link between the conscious and subconscious minds, allowing each access to the memories and capabilities of the other. This has benefits beyond the performance of magick and ritual. It has lasting effects, reaching far beyond the boundaries of the working itself into the everyday life of the journeyer.
After all, this is the place where the divine beings of the Celtic
pantheon can step out of the withered and yellowed pages of library tomes to live and breathe, speak and hear, show and teach. Once you train your mind to send forth its consciousness to them, once you learn to roam freely and safely in the inner-realms, and once you learn to understand divine archetypes and the meanings they have for you, you can roam these worlds without aid of a guide and explore new ideas, meet new entities, and expand all your
Archetypes are universal. They are defined by Funk and Wagnalls as a "standard pattern" or a "prototype." Archetypes speak to us in an
ecumenical language. They are the images which cloud our dreams, they are the inherent power of our deities, and they are the machinery which make tarot and all forms of divination possible. Archetypal images are used heavily throughout pathworking, for this is the only language our subconscious (sometimes called our super-conscious or deep mind) can understand, utilize, and with which it can communicate back to our conscious minds.
Put Your Fears To Rest
There are a lot of people, Pagans included, who have an unnatural
fear of altered states and especially of inner-world journeys. Perhaps this is because it is strange and new, and they have been taught by someone in the larger mainstream society that it is evil. These fears are basically groundless.
If you want to get the feeling of a guided meditation before attempting an actual pathworking, you can try tape recording a simple scene for yourself to practice with. A scenario which you live out every day is the best choice. Such simple exercises will not only help put aside your fears, but will help you begin to discipline your mind to prolonged concentration, and help you follow, without lagging behind the narration of a pathworking.
Some people also fear the creatures they meet in the inner-world.
While it cannot be over-emphasized that the inner-planes are in the mind but are still a very real place, there is no more to fear there than there is in your own home. You must always be respectful of the deities and other beings you encounter on the inner-planes, but you should never fear them. Most of them are benevolent or, at worst, neutral to your presence. If you do encounter a being in whose presence you feel uncomfortable, simply move yourself slowly away from it.
Preparing for Pathworking
No elaborate preparations are needed to begin your pathworking
journeys, but, as with any magickal rituals, there are a few preliminaries which are helpful.
It is best to start with journeys which are written from your own
physical gender point of view. If you are male, start with a neutral or male-centered tale, and if you are female start with a neutral or female-centered tale. Neutral in this instance means a pathworking which is not written to be gender-specific, but uses non-gender oriented words when referring to the journeyer.
The two absolute requirements for pathworking are quiet and privacy. You must not be disturbed. The effect of being jolted out of a journey will be like that of suddenly being awakened from a deep sleep and you will feel drowsy, disoriented, and grumpy.
Writing Your Own Journeys
The most powerful inner-journeys are the ones you create for yourself out of your own needs and ever-evolving spiritual perspective. The elements of myths are a universal phenomena, enough so that anyone--even persons without so much as a drop of Celtic blood--can connect with, use, and understand the symbology of pathworkings using Celtic figures, and derive all the intended benefits from them. It was Carl Jung who first hypothesized that myths were based on human dreams and need-fulfilling fantasies, and since all human minds share a similar structure, this may account for the often spooky similarities in mythic themes and events throughout the world. Therefore, it matters not if our personal mythic hero is the Greek Zeus or the quintessentially Celtic Cuchulain.
When you write your own journeys, make it easy on yourself by using
names which resonate with your consciousness. Since we all like that which is familiar to us, it is possible, and even encouraged, that you
substitute deity names, place names, etc., for the ones you may find in any myth according to your own tradition or inner-guide. For example, you may want to call Tir-na-Nog, the Irish Land of the Dead, by names such as "Summerland" or "Avalon."
The Beginning
If you do not have a method which you like for entering these inner-
realms, you can try the journeys given in "Celtic Myth & Magick." Keep in mind that whatever method you choose to begin your pathworking should also be used for your returning. The conscious and subconscious minds seem to agree that this time-honored occult practice of "one way in, one way out," is the best way to proceed.
Protective Blessing for Dogs
Diana, Goddess of the Wild,
Keeper of dogs both fierce and mild,
Hold (name of pet) safely in Your arms
And protect this creature from all harm.
And should the day come that he/she roams
Guide him/her to the path back home.
Bless (name of pet) with a joyful life
Free of hardship, stress, and strife.
Protective Blessing for Cats
Bast of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over (name of pet) from day to day,
And guide him/her home, if he/she should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress
Leave-Me-Alone Spell
There are times in our lives when we need, more than anything, to be alone. By the law of irony, these periods are often when we are also most popular. This spell helps add a temporary "leave-me-alone" aura to your persona, so you can have the peace you deserve. Start with a crystal and black cord. Visualize the crystal creating a shield around you, and carry it in your pocket. Wrap the cord around your waist, leaving a tail on the end. Cut the end of the cord, saying: "From this time and from this place, Temporarily I claim my space- To be alone and free from others, There is just me and the Great Mother. So mote it be!"
Tools you will need are:
Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also)
Red 8" Taper Candle
This is a 3 day spell, and it is best to find a work
area that you can leave untouched for three days. If
you must put away your tools, try to at least keep
your spell candle out in the open. This spell can be
used for the type of the person you want to attract.
It is never recommended to direct a love spell towards
a specific individual. You may choose a fictitious
name for the type of person you want to attract to
make this spell easier.
Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs.
While you are bathing, concentrate again on the
purpose of your spell. Again, do not let negative
thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your
work area. Light some incense and cast your circle.
Envision a large, pink ball of light surrounding you
and your work area. Hold the candle between the palms
of your hands and direct all of your energy into the
candle. Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior
to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to
"This candle represents the love between (your name)
and (fictitious name of intended lover)."
Light the candle and say (either aloud or to
"As I light this candle, the love between my intended
lover and me grows strong.
Our love is such, that all feels the attraction
. As this candle burns, it draws us ever near.
Powerful is the persuasion! (Intended lovers name)'s
days are long and filled with yearning for me.
(Intended lovers name)'s
nights are long and filled with desire for me.
To be as one, together, is all that (name) would wish.
To be as one, forever is (name)'s immediate need.
For no rest shall she/he find, until she/he is by my
Sit and meditate and concentrate on your intended
lover and the desire that person has for you.
Concentrate on your desire for your lover. When the
candle has burned 1/3 of the way, say
"My lover will come to me" and blow out the candle.
Repeat this for two more nights. Your desire will come
source unknown
judgement spell
Judgement tarot card.
1 small clear quartz crystal.
place your crystal on top of the judgement your dominant hand on top and say
i listen for my inner voice when good adviceI seek.I listen carefullyand well and heed each word it speeks.I act upon the sound advice that comes from deep inside.It is the only voice I hear-I let it override.Suggestionsfrom all other folks for they dont understand.Whats right for them is not for me-for when I finally stand.To account for what I've done withen the life Ive had.I'm the one responsible for all deeds good and bad.
Carry the stone with you.
Put A foe on Ice spell
Queen or King of your choice
1 zippered plastic bag
Permanent marker
During the Waning to Dark Moon,choose theKing or Queen card that most closelyresembles your enemyUsing the marker,write the name of the person across the face of the card,then place the card in the plastic bag.Fill the bag half-full of warter,press the air out and zip it shut.Then put the bag in the freezer and say something like this:
I freeze your powernow with ice
I steal it gently without price
You now shall live in icy chill
And cannot touch me with your will
Your power over me is done
And while no harm to you shall come
Of your damange I am free
As I will so mote it be
Do not removethe bag fom freezer or your enemy will regain power over you.
Everyday Tarot Magic
Child's Nightmare Protection Amulet
Items needed:
1. 1 black mojo bag
2. Rosemary leaves
3. Fennel seeds
This amulet is for protection of a sleeping child. If the child is prone to nightmares, then this works great!! This amulet also wards off evil spirits and demons, which may be causing the nightmares.
Preferably this should be done during the waning cycle of the moon, since you're banishing hurtful things. But I made mine during the waxing moon and it still worked great. (My need was very strong for the amulet!) You should also put all of your feelings into the following words. Visualize the child sleeping safely and peacefully.
1. Fill the black mojo bag half full of rosemary and say:
"This is for (child's name) for him/her to keep; to steer away nightmares while he/she sleeps!"
2.Fill the rest of the bag with fennel seeds and say:
"Now I fill you the rest of the way; To keep evil spirits and demons at bay."
3.Now shake the bag, mixing the two herbs and say:
"Now the two herbs, shall become one; So their great powers will let no harm come!"
Now place in the child's pillowcase, and it is done!!