Death what is it and what does it mean for life. For I say life would have no meaning without it. Time and life are interwoven. In intricate and varying ways few ever appreciate. For what has a beginning must end. And what ends must begin anew.
Consider a star and a human. Both age and in the process somehow are reborn. Life begets life. A star which has a life span of approximately 12 billion years on average and a human which has a life span of some sixty plus years. Now factor in time a life for both. Now 60 years is a long time by our standards us humans this is an average life span. But consider proportionately 1 year to us would be as 200 million years to a star in its life span. And yet our lives follow a very similar path.
While fate luck and probability all work together in the birth of a star. A bunch of cosmic gasses start to dance a dance to a drawn out tune spanning millions of years starting with chaos and ending with a blazing fury for some few billion years all the while attracting other celestial beings to itself and creating its own consorts such as planets and meteorites and shooting stars. Then eventually it all ends in a super nova. A fury even our human gods would be wise to fear and to steer away from.
We are born of a passion the likes of which is similar to a stars in our own way. In the flames of passion we give the spark of life to a fetus much like a baby star. Taking time a long time it may seem to the pregnant mother but as nine months is nothing to 60 plus years as the few hundred million that it takes to create a star compared to the 12 billion stars generally are “alive” for. Then in one rather hard to explain moment hard to explain because I have only ever seen it on television and therefore feel that I can’t properly do the moment justice in words in regards to the actual birth of the child but I can imagine. In one final moment of desperate pain that last push to get the child into the world then the blaze of new life brought forth from the womb yes I can imagine. As well as the pride of the new parents or not new but still another child added to the family.
Now I can compare the life of a person to the timeline of the life of a star like i said a star gathers upon itself its own consorts and companions from the vast cosmos. In the form of meteorites and comets and shooting stars that were left over from the creation of the star. And the planets which are like that stars children. Compare this to a human. We as we go through childhood that is meet friends which are others our own age and etc. then we have our own consorts from among these (comets and asteroids etc to stars). And then we have our own children (like stars to a planet).
Now an interesting point to this all would be the exceptional ones stars and people. The hotter the blaze of a star and the larger it is the quicker it burns out. Seems to me that the same is true of people too. Our brightest stars seem to burn out the quickest as sad as that is. Ah but the end of such a life for a stars life or a humans they always seem to go out with a blaze unlike any other.
Now as I have stated before and to tie all this in to my original points. Without time life and existence I would say would lose its meaning. Our life has meaning because it has an end.. Immortality would make life itself lose meaning. Think about it if you had an eternity what would you possibly do with all that time. How could you possibly have a lifelong goal for example? It would have to take an eternity because that is what you have. And imagine seeing all your loved ones in the end being offered the peace of death but you are forever denied that gift. I would say that if there are gods they would be mightily jealous of us for they will never know what lies beyond or have the peace of letting go.
Now all things considered why do people consider death such an evil thing when it is what gives life the meaning we have come to know it can have if we but let it. Like the saying goes you only live once. That very phrase only has meaning because of the presence of death. And if you believe in the afterlife then death most definitely should be a welcome respite from this world.
I sincerely believe that the fear that we all have of death is that innate fear people seem to have of the unknown.
13:04 Nov 21 2009
also stands for the end of something old and the begining of something new. Change :D
Very well said 10 f0r that. :)
23:33 Nov 27 2009
You're very insightful. Also I'm a little jealous. I envy people who can put their thoughts and feelings into words. You did this very well.
22:01 Jun 16 2010
very well said
i love how you can express your thoughts and feelings