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Love as you will do as you must

23:20 Mar 01 2010
Times Read: 542

Love as you will do as you must

This is the creed by which some branches of paganism try to live by. And I say to you that it is a message we should all take to heart.

There is somewhere in the new testament a story about these Jewish religious leaders asking Jesus what the most important commandment is he replies love thy neighbor. This sounds mightily like love as you will do as you must to me I don’t know about you but hey maybe it is just me. It irks me to no end how these Christian/Catholic people in America try so hard to deprive us of our rights even basic human rights. They have fought against every single law being passed that would grant us rights and more importantly protection. This is not loving thy neighbor. They do not have to agree with us and our choices but that doesn’t mean that when one of us is murdered that nothing should be done about it. These people worship Jesus and yet do nothing like him. This man went out of his way to be around people who society saw as undesirables. His whole message was love and these people seem to ignore this. Jesus never once preached that queer people are bad he never even mentions us but the religious people like to ignore that fact. The founding fathers of this country were afraid of the majority oppressing the minority. And low and behold it has come to pass. I believe that the wants of the many should never outweigh the needs of the few.

Recently there was a transwoman that was shot in the head and killed for being who she was and as far as I know this wasn’t even reported in the news. Yet that cop Anthony Deponzio who was shot in the head has been in the news constantly and has become some sort of hero in the news. What is so difficult about treating others with respect and not hate? There are a lot of things in this world I don’t understand and hate is one of them.

Love as you will do as you must. Now what does this phrase mean exactly. Well I would say for the first part love as you will love freely love often and love all I think. Do as you must well it is impossible to go through life and not at least indirectly hurt people. So do what you must to get by in life.

I try very hard to live my life by this and I would say I do pretty well. I do not allow hate into my life for I try not to be a hypocrite. Even though I went through a lot of suffering at the hands of my uber religious family I no longer hate them and I have gotten some closure. It was hard to forgive them but I did it. My family was religious and they were hypocrites but this isn’t about my family so I will move on. And although I have a lot of issues with religious people I try not to hate them. Sure they can make it very difficult at times but hey eventually hopefully they will grow up a little bit.

And as for now I have run outa stuff so I will finish this later




No one ever said life would be easy

23:16 Mar 01 2010
Times Read: 544

No one ever said life would be easy

Some one asked me what my favorite saying/quote was and I had to think about it a good long time and it took me about three days. Then I suddenly realized that nothing fits my life better in so many ways as this one does. My life has always been difficult and you know what I would have it no other way.

F or as long as I can remember throughout my childhood it was one traumatizing event after another. But whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. What got me through my childhood was when I learned that I am not as alone as I thought in this world. For those of you reading this if you don’t already know, I am a transsexual woman. And when I found out when I was about 8 years old that I could have the life that I want to live as a woman in the future when I got out of the hell I was in that was my childhood things would get better. Now I will not go into my past too much only when needed because that is not what this is about. I can say though that even as I was going through all the things that I went through that I may have wished things were different but not easier no never easier.

As I matured as a teen I started to realize the religious zealots that raised me were wrong. If god was real I decided that one of multiple things would be true any of which would mean that the powers up there don’t hate me. Like say if god makes everyone perfect and doesn’t make mistakes then hell maybe he made me this way to teach tolerance to others. That and Jesus never said anything against my people so you know what fuck them. Then I started to learn things about the world that didn’t make since eventually I actually read most of the bible and I will admit I was sick to my stomach sometimes and wasn’t able to finish because of it, but hey you know what it allowed me to break off of the faith my family crammed down my throat so that is a good thing. Eventually I converted to Wicca then moved onto Paganism and even though I don’t belong to either of those religions anymore they are the ones closest to my heart. But then… same story the religions may have made a lot more since then the Anglo-Christian religions but it still didn’t sit right with me. Then eventually I started reading some books that are spiritually based and now I have my own beliefs.

Chief among what I believe now is love as you will do as you must if you haven’t read that blog I suggest you do so (even though I still need to finish it). I have come to believe that love is the only absolute thing in life for it is never wrong yes it may be foolish at times and many other things but never wrong. Since this is true it should be pursued. The other absolute that I believe in is that hate is always wrong and anything that is done out of it. This is a topic for a future thing I will have to write though. The next thing that I believe in is that enlightenment is how you get into what we would call heaven and you are reincarnated until you become enlightened. Now finally back to the topic the universe will never bring anything into your life you are not able or capable of dealing with. You may need help but you will always be able to be overcome it. Each obstacle that it puts in your way is meant to be a learning experience.

As I believe this is true then we should welcome every single challenge in life that comes our way yes it may be hard even painful at times but we should endure and learn and continue growing. And it is by this virtue this fundamental truth that I live my life by and it has helped me to overcome many things in life. Things that no one should ever have to experience things that are painful and yes it was hard. Was it worth it… you bet your ass it was. Now do I think life will get easier? No I don’t not for me at least. But you know what I will keep pushing forward. Things have gotten better I will admit but they are still hard and you know what I would have it no other way.




my theory on functional priorities

22:58 Mar 01 2010
Times Read: 545

Functional Priorities

I recently made up this phrase and it seems to fit to an idea that I had a while back. I thought of it when I was trying to prioritize what a governments job should be what it is meant to be regardless of what kind of government it is be it a democracy or a monarchy or whatever. And so I began thinking about what would have led people to try to make them t begin with thousands of years ago when we were still nomadic. There was a social hierarchy as such for the time and I believe that it is what led to people forming governments as we would think of them. So the question is what would lead to people creating such things. So as such everything in context I tried to put myself in “their” shoes so to speak asking myself what life would have been like back then.

Well no doubt that life was vastly different then than it is today. For today we do not have to worry about natural predators creeping in and eating us because you know animals like saber tooth tigers are extinct now and we have things like guns and far better shelter than say caves and tents. So I figured that safety was the first and foremost need that would lead people to form groups and social hierarchy and eventually government.

So first priority of government keep the people safe seems simple right think about it a government that does not keep its population safe is not going to be a sustainable government.

So now I asked myself what else would be the role of government at that time? Now that people are grouping together they might start to realize that when you start to work together you can get more done more easily meet the needs of the people like say woman cook and such and men hunt and whatever else.

So the second priority would be to help provide for the needs of the people. Today this would be in the form of where our tax dollars go to because think about it you may bitch and moan about them but seriously picture all the things that they pay for like public schools and the roads and other very much needed things in this era.

Now I asked myself what else doe sit seem like the governments job to do. Hmmm well how best to govern people than to keep them happy how to do this now that is the question. I would say the best way is to try to make everyone have an equal opportunity to get ahead and contribute to the greater good.

See this is where ethics and social justice come in to play with government. This is a little tricky but I will try my best to explain how by this formula our government is failing certain areas of the population and especially queer people (seeing as how this is my personal struggle it is the example I will be talking about not to take away from the struggle of other minorities in America though because without a doubt we are not the only disenfranchised group in this country).

So according to this formula of functional priorities which is 1) keep the people safe 2) provide for the needs as is appropriate for the role of government (i.e. taxes and what they pay for etc) 3) provide for wants as is appropriate for the role of government. So how is our government failing us? Well I will talk about hate crimes and discrimination and gay marriage and explain how this falls into this.

Now starting with hate crimes toward the queer community in America. As of today there are only 17 states in this country that protect gay and lesbian and bisexual people from hate crimes and discrimination and I do not know how many for transgendered people have such laws in place but I know it is less than that a lot less. So this is in direct conflict with the first priority of government which is to protect its own people the second leading cause of death for the transgendered community is hate crimes (I will assume the same is true of the rest of the queer community as well). So if our people being killed by hate crimes is such a big problem why isn’t our government protecting us? Well that is a really good question to which there is no acceptable answer. Well the answer is that there is not a true separation of church and state in this country which goes against what the founding fathers of this country tried to put in place. My how far the apple has fallen from the tree I am sure that they are turning in their graves. And this is going against the order of priorities in the function of government this is #3 being placed before #1. This falls into a want of a certain populace in this country feeling that they have the right to oppress another group in this country in a way that jeopardizes there safety and as I have stated above safety comes before a want and this is a want that falls outside of the jurisdiction of government.

Now discrimination this is much the same as the previous one only difference is that this is #3 overcoming #2. So again this is a violation of the roles of government within its functional priorities for all the same reasons as above. People have to have a job to pay for food, shelter, and other needs. If you can not get a job you can not have your needs met and it is fully within the role of government to ensure that we have that opportunity now there are other examples of how we are discriminated obviously but I do need to finish this today lol.

Now gay marriage is a violation of #3 for reasons that may take some time for me to explain. This is part of the functional priorities thing and I have yet to define how one of them can be a violation in and of itself but here it goes. Ok deep breath…. It is my belief that one group should never have the ability within a government to oppress another group because of social psychology if a government makes room for people who hate a group of people to be the ruling class that is represented in government then eventually that whole cause and effect thing will lead to more than just denying them there happiness and lead to all of the previously mentioned violations of government and its primary functions and priorities. This has to do with social psychology because ideas are contagious and if people get the impression it is ok to hate by their government then by golly people are gonna hate cus lets admit it none of us are as dumb as all of us. People do not like to think for themselves or figure out how to live life on their own terms they want to be told how to live their life and how to think. You may not want to believe this is true but think on how much this explains in the world around you and eventually I will write a blog about this very thing I swear.

So that is my theory on functional priorities and how according to this our government is seriously failing us.



21:56 Jun 16 2010

i do love hearing your thoughts

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