I am 16 about to be 17 on April 16.
I am a child at heart i adore Disney
Channel movies, i still sometimes act like
a child of 5 years old haha running around
the house with a sippy cup with my
nephew and introduce him to the good
Disney Channel movies and Cartoon
I enjoy anthing kiddish i suppose you can
My all time favorite Disney Movies are
Lion King 1 and 2, A bug's life and more.
That is simply the kid side which now a days is barely shown only when i am with children under 10 and or my nephew.
I am higly serious and highly perfessional.
I am always on the go making decisions and gettibg things and accomplished. I do not like to be behind schedule i enjoy a full plater of things to do because i always get them done daily each day its always a new goal to achieve, i have many goals and many things.
I do know how to relax for those who are thinking that i am an over achiever, i am not i just live life to the to the fullest. I do many things fun and profesionally mainly school related things.-