I think I will go out on a limb and say that it will be as flooded here as it was last month all over again. It's supposed to rain all week long. -_-
Just to let everyone know we are ok over here. The worst of the storm jumped over us. I was really worried considering that Hannibal was hit and Quincy is just 30 mins away from there. We only had some heavy rain and lots of thunder and lightning. There was even lightning that struck a building and damaged a few cars.
One thing I never realized was how stupid people become when news stations interrupt shows when severe weather is coming and they cannot watch their shows. Umm you cannot watch a tv show if you're dead now. Also it is mandatory for public officials to let you know when severe weather is coming so people can prepare and get to safety. I had to explain this to a girl who was complaining about not getting to watch her show then proceeded to say that she didn't care about the weather unless someone dies. Wow very cold hearted if I say so and I did tell her. I guess she was so offended that she had to have her mother come defend her. Lol she bitched me out but I finished it. The mother obviously sucks at being a parent if she hasn't taught her daughter not to pick fights with stranger and to be nicer to people. She was just mad she had to go to bed early and she would miss the show. She's going to miss her show anyway since its on at midnight. Lol sucks to be her! Well anyway that's my update and I'm ok! :) lol
Glad you're okay. The news coverage out of Oklahoma is shocking.
thanks for the update, yeah, people can be weird lol.
**hugs** glad you are safe..
people like that need to be airlifted to a island and dropped off all alone for a month.. until they learn respect.
Haha I agree with you 100% Dan! *hugs* I mean there is more to life than a tv show that you can easily watch online if you miss it. A tv show is not worth dying over. Both the girl and her mom needs to learn some respect and learn that just because their area wasn't affected doesn't mean that the weather won't change and move into their area. If I have learned anything, I have learned that weather is unpredictable and can change in a second. I was very glad and comforted that the weather station broke in and kept us updated because without the updates many people could've lost their lives. That was the point I was trying to get across to the girl on FB, but I guess the next time the storm rolls in I will probably hear about her on the news because she died watching a tv show. *shrugs*
Well everyone it is time for me to get off and head into the hallway, there apparently is a tornado on the way so I need to go and take cover. I'll be back online when it's safe!
Like OH EM GEE that Vladdy Boy the Microscopic just burnt down my coven, like whatever shall I do!? *laughs* If you were meaning to strike fear into me or my coven mates, you're going to have to try a helluva lot harder than that. Blocks and 1's and attacking covens are nothing new here, so next time junior do us a favor and try to be a bit more creative than what you are! Huzzah!!!!
Who just downloaded KynthiaLucian's new book called, Bzou Curse? This girl! I look forward to start reading it tonight when I unwind and relax for the evening. :)
You are awesome!!! I love you!
thank you so much!
Love you too and it is my honor to help support good friends and read their stuff! :)
I need new music, I wonder what I should download first?