slipknotbabe356's Journal

slipknotbabe356's Journal


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6 entries this month

16:56 Jun 22 2018
Times Read: 757

Things are changing. I was just told yesterday that I will be getting my cashier training very soon. I have half of the training done so I just need the other half. What also may happen is I might be going from part time to full time. This girl named Sarah just put in her two weeks yesterday. This girl has also spent the last two weeks with an overly inflated ego because of the district manager telling her that she would make a great assistant manager. This has made half of the store employees angry and threatening to leave if she got it. Jeremy and I made the agreement that if she was considered for it that we were both going to go for it since 1st and 2nd assistant managers were up for grabs. Now I’ve been waiting on my assistant manager to decide if he wants to be store manager. If he does then I’ll go for it. In the upcoming weeks Sarah will be doing my training.



00:06 Jun 28 2018

It is good to see you being a bit more of a go getter. If you want something then you have to take it by any means necessary, you must be ruthless.


21:33 Jun 13 2018
Times Read: 783

In the last four days at my work, I have dealt with nothing but bullshit from a delivery driver. From screaming and hollering at me, giving me attitudes, stealing food from the store and then the anxiety attacks. He left today to go on his week long trip to Las Vegas. I am beyond relieved that I don’t have to see him for awhile. Hopefully I can get my anxiety back in order. Next week I get to start register training so I can cashier. I’m beyond excited and it gets me out of the kitchen for a bit! Jill my district manager saw the receipts yesterday and I believe is going to watch video on the delivery driver so hopefully something gets done with that.




07:33 Jun 12 2018
Times Read: 802

So the delivery jerk was working tonight with me again. My anxiety was very high considering I was stuck with him. Like Saturday he stole again from the store. This time along with having 2 tenderloins on the ticket he wrote in the notes, not sandwiches, cheese bites. My assistant manager was there and I reprinted the ticket and showed him. I told him this is proof that he’s stealing from the store. He wrote him a note and left it on the desk along with his ticket but later decided to let Jill the District Manager deal with it. So he has two counts of stealing so far!




07:36 Jun 10 2018
Times Read: 841

If there is one thing I will never allow, I will never allow someone to disrespect me. Tonight has been the closing shift from hell. My former kitchen manager, Jeremy decided to quit so we were short handed tonight. It means I was my own kitchen help and cook. So my lunch shift co worker helped ease the load off my shoulders by taking all of the large pizza pans and make dough flats out of them. My delivery guy who is in his mid fifties decided he wanted to be a jackass and tell me I’m not using those flats on his deliveriesanf proceeded to throw them away. He gave me attitude and I gave it back. I somehow kept my cool while dealing with the stress of him screaming at me. I ended up calling my assistant manager and telling him what he was doing and he was pissed. That pissed my delivery driver off that I called him. He told my manager that the flats were dried out and not good to use. My assistant manager got me on the phone and asked me how the flats looked and I told him that they looked like they were just made and in pristine condition. My assistant manager believed me. My delivery driver then attempted to take photos of the flats I send to him and I told him it was against company policy and he will be wrote up. Which is against company policy and is in the handbook. You either get wrote up or fired. He responded with “Fuck this shit I quit” then proceeded to call my assistant manager and changed his mind when he got his voicemail. He was a asshole all evening long. He told me that if he had to use those flats he would quit. Every word he spoke tonight was sent to my assistant manager via text. In fact when he called to check in I told him that the driver threatened to quit twice tonight and I told him that I think we need to think about finding a new driver to replace him. My assistant manager actually agreed with me. But here's the kicker, tonight he put a delivery in for himself used his phone number and address and bought two tenderloins, only he didn’t cook tenderloins, he ran 2 orders of cheesey potatoe bites through the oven. Cheesey potato bites have to be ran through the cash register because they cannot be ran through our kitchen computer. We don’t have a button for it on our kitchen computer. So he literally stole food and didn’t pay for it. When my assistant manager popped in the store I told him he needed to watch video and that he would see that he stole food and that he crossed 2 tenderloins off the ticket and wrote cheesy potatoe bites instead. I told him he wouldn’t find a receipt for it at the cash register. So I reprinted his ticket so he would have something to look at while watching video. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be wrote up or fired. He’s made comments that he’s going to Vegas this week and Thursday is truck day and we will be so lost without him. I told him “Nope we will carry on and be just fine.” I get to work my first truck shift this Thursday so that will be fun. So tonight has been shitty. My delivery driver decided he wanted to call me a “Fucking Bitch” it’s not the worst I’ve been called but hey if the shoe fits I’ll lace those bitches up! Ironically he didn’t have the balls to say it to my face like the coward he is. So his days are numbered and to be honest I can’t wait until he’s gone. He had picked fights with everyone here lately. So here’s to hoping he gets the fuck out of my store.



12:51 Jun 10 2018

What a jerk!

15:44 Jun 10 2018

Worst of all I had to bother my Assistant Manager when he was attending his nephew’s graduation so he could deal with this bs. I felt absolutely horrible.

00:33 Jun 11 2018

You should have ripped him a new asshole and then threw him out of it. lol

02:56 Jun 11 2018

I stood my ground


16:12 Jun 09 2018
Times Read: 852

Yesterday was such a doozy. My assistant manager messaged me and asked me if I worked tonight. I told him 5pm-12am. He then tells me that he worked 3:30am-2:50pm and said he would be in around 4:30pm to speak with everyone. I asked if everything was ok. He told me everything would be fine and gave me a thumbs up. To be honest I was getting bad vibes from his last response. Fast forward to the time I get there and waited until 4:40pm when he gets there. My assistant manager tells all of us that our manager resigned effectively yesterday morning. She walked in typed up her resignation letter and walked back out again. I guess the regional and district managers have been pressuring her and have been trying to force her out.

It was just last Friday I talked to my manager about cashiering and well my assistant manager did too, only to be told by my manager, “I’ll see what I can do” and it was dropped. My assistant manager told me last night, “We’ll see what we can do to get you started training on cash register.” Which is the response that gave me confidence that it was going to happen. It just so happens that I get to work a truck shift next Thursday. He told me that it would help me know where things go in the store which I need to know to cashier. Out of being there for almost a year, I have never worked a truck shift but it’ll be fun. I will at least be out of the kitchen for that. So there’s an update on that.



16:25 Jun 09 2018

I wish all the good positive things for you slippy hun "hugs"

06:43 Jun 10 2018

I need all of the good vibes I can get.


17:19 Jun 02 2018
Times Read: 872

I’m so over today, so fucking over it!



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